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New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - Leg 4/4 24th November


New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - Leg 4/4 24th November  

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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Will be playing' date=' just out of interest why make the turbo version start before the other one? surely other way round would be best?[/quote'] Some players dont like to multi table mate, so if we do the turbo 1st, more will be out before the next one starts, meaning more will play......well thats the theory anyway ;)
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Hi there, I have been lurking for a while and not posting will i be able to partake in tonights action? cheers :hope
:welcome Of course you can, as it's your first PL game your mission is to knock Teaulc with any two cards considerably inferior to his:lol
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

:welcome Of course you can' date=' as it's your first PL game your mission is to knock Teaulc with any two cards considerably inferior to his:lol[/quote'] Thanks Guys, Will do my best, good luck. My screen name on red hot is Rowatron.:ok
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

well done tonight in winning both games' date=',:clap:clap:clap[/quote'] Thank you, very chuffed ! :nana:cow:drums:beer Also came 3rd in the Bounty Hunter and was gutted to have missed the Wild West as I love that tourney and cash most times. Was a good night though, can't complain!
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Some players dont like to multi table mate' date=' so if we do the turbo 1st, more will be out before the next one starts, meaning more will play......well thats the theory anyway ;)[/quote'] 18 runners in a €2 game seems very disappointing there were 30 in same tourny last month hope all that BS that went on last month hasnt ruined the value addded games for the future cant see many sites giving away much for small buy in tourneys with less than 20 runners
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Tables posted up. Well done and :welcome to RickyHatton, who knocked everyone out in both games tonight. :clap
Is that the real Ricky Hatton? If so, respect m8, and not just for taking both games down! If not, respect also, not easy to win both games. And :welcome
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAY's

Is that the real Ricky Hatton? If so, respect m8, and not just for taking both games down! If not, respect also, not easy to win both games. And :welcome
Not the real Ricky, no, sorry :( But thanks for the comment. It gave me a boost as I haven't played much lately and it gives you that hunger again! I see PLWarbirds bubbled the €20,000 tonight - ouch. Very unlucky mate.
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Re: New Red Hot Poker Exclusive League - WEDNESDAYS from 3rd Nov

Thanks :ok I aint a member of that poker site, before I do join is there any sort of affiliate link I could do it through so someone doesnt miss out on commission, as would join through that link if one exists ;)
http://affiliate.redhotpoker.com/pro...?btag=a_63b_31 Here you go m8!
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