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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    youve not let us down except for your maths :lol if we are going for goater getting 390 add our six scores up share by six its $416 and cents. the other guy can sit on a sharp stick' date=' the money he got will be long gone like he was,does that sound about right[/quote'] let goater confirm what he got and take it from there :ok but i am pretty sure my sums are right
  2. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    Just a guess. He played one game more than you, so it should be thereabouts - give or take a couple of bucks. I don't understand how marrsinn could end up with that much for one single game, though. :\
    okay from what i understand, 50% of the prize fund is split between the team members so if they are including marssin (who i did ask to get removed halfway through the league) then that is $193.57 and then on games played so 1 game equals $10.18 (only 19 games played according to them out of the 21) so that is £203.76 for someone who has never played a game :@:@ as i said i will phone them on monday now i have a phone number and see what they are going to do but tbh i aint hopeful,pissed off well and truly and i am sorry for you guys as well because i feel as captain i have failed you all..... just to let you know obvioulsy we should have had $451.66 each not counting marssinn right so far what we should have ended up with each (inc marssin for totals sake)and we agreed to split evenly is $387.14 so those with more than that should put the excess into the team wallet. is that okay with you guys?? i can then transfer the appropiate funds to the relevant players...
  3. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    Well....I'm $366 better off than I expected. However I'm pretty fcuked off over the fact that we were told that we'd come 2nd in the league....then, before we get paid, we are told that we'd actually won the league. Now it turns out that we have won the league (according to the table), but we're going to get less than 2nd place money and share it with a sit out. Of course the question is, what can we do about it? :\
    if you look at the main page again andy,the tables have been changed so we have been moved to 2nd again,so it does look as thought they are trying to get out of it
  4. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    teaulc $380.97 valiant $366.55 fonzie $453.04 kippe $438.62 silentjay$467.45 goater = $1668.59 it is looking like we got SHAFTED yet again going by these figures
    well marsinn has never been seen but it is not looking good
  5. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions ok guys it looks like we have been put back into 2nd place again as they have taken out week 15 .....so funds have been paid into our accounts and by my reckonings we should have $451.66 each,now due to the stupid way they do things some of us have been paid less and some more.. so now we have to work out those that have been paid more for them to pay the team members who have less if you get my drift.;) i got $380 put into my account.... on a different matter i am still considering whether we should get legal advice over this shambles and lack of communication from them,i have sent emails and every one has been ignored,i have given Reeshah ample time to get in touch and he has done nothing as far as i am concerned. we have the proof we won the league and i am not asking for them to take away Red Aces prize,far from it,i feel e-sport should do the right thing and take it on the chin and pay us as well for their cock-ups and lack of support.

  6. Re: All Welcome in $500 Affiliate Freeroll 14th for $5 :nana:nana made 1 mistake all night but i got bluffed off a hand big time and didnt go with my convictions:( but all in all nice just to get a cash... also won a different forum`s freeroll for €75 so deffo a good night and a long time coming:dude

  7. Re: is it time to take legal advice?? weekly rants Rich ;);), seriously though,all i am trying to get across is for someone to actually respond in a positive way. it doesnt take much for one of Reeshah`s bosses to come on and say ""we appreciate your patience lads and lassies we will pay out on such and such a day and we should have told you all this at the start,we are very sorry to have mis-lead you all in our naive way" is that too much to ask for?????

  8. Re: Reeshah come on Reeshah,how long does it take to ask someone????????? this is why people get fed up because of the lack of communications..

  9. Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

    i'd probably look at my hand and that would determine whether or not i push! If it is 10J or better then yes I'm pushing' date=' however if its raggy then I'd probably just wait and see a free flop! :ok[/quote'] the thing with this is you will have then lost a blind rather than gained a blind,,, i am guessing Ben that he called with small pair ie: 44 or 55 to your what 9/6 suited??
  10. Re: any two cards? live hand from binions classic

    I'd not be pushing any 2 - your only a double through to get back to table average. If there an aggressive lot you more likely to get a better chance by biding your time.
    but its only the SB so if your pushing to steal the blinds and the SB is passive it is worth it,it gives you another round at least to hit a decent hand and nowt lost
  11. Re: Poker Utd Champions Final well done mate,i got rivered twice when trying to extract more value out of docsbit that killed me and then it was just trying to hang in for the cash in 20th and went out 23rd when my A/10 suited got called by 8/3 :sad:sad

  12. Re: ** Poker Sunday 6th July 2008** for those that like deepstack tourneys,the Boris Becker Wimbledon special on Pokerstars. $11 buy in and 9500 starting chips and 15 minute blinds. top 9 finishers get to play Boris in an exclusive $5000 STT on the 10th :ok see the challenge Boris thread

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