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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Ladbrokes F1 One hour Qualifying tourny

    as pointed out by al in another thread this starts at 12.00pm in 12 minutes' date='wonder why al did,nt put it in here(:lol:lol:tongue2:tongue2:tongue2:rollin:rollin)[/quote'] too much crack last night and having to work this morning :eyes
  2. Re: Home Game 1st August many thanks to Eric and Jackie for their hospitality once again,another great night especially for me with a 2nd (got rivered by Kevsul) and a 1st place in the 2nd game.... we played £10 buy in and £5 bounty,me and Kev split bounties in the 1st game but i was in the zone in the 2nd taking all the bounties :dude:dude..... hand of the night was between Kevsul all in with A/J (1 a Heart) and getting called instantly by Eric with A/K, Kev flops all Hearts,turn a black card and the river kicks in with another Heart to knock Eric out :loon, always said live poker is fixed ;). looking forward to the next one :ok

  3. Re: Sky Poker Freeroll out when my A/Ko 3k raise all in gets called by 7/3o :rollin7 on flop and nowt for me :rollin:rollin everytime i play on skypoker i am still amazed at the donks:lol

  4. Re: 'Huge Value' Freerolls on Pokerstars - Win an EPT London Package qualified for sunday by the skin of my teeth,card dead for ages then with 600 chips left (1bb) i double up and then next hand i get A/K and treble up (did river it tho:dude) PokerStars Tournament #96173119, No Limit Hold'em Super Satellite Buy-In: 10 FPP 278 players Target Tournament #96171067 27 tickets to the target tournament Tournament started - 2008/07/30 - 15:15:00 (ET) Dear teaulc, You finished the tournament in 1st place. You qualified to play in Tournament #96171067 and are automatically registered for it. If you decide to un-register, a tournament ticket will be issued in your name, valid for the tournament #96171067. See Tournament #96171067 Lobby for further details. You earned 48.78 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at http://www.pokerstars.com/poker/tournaments/leader-board/ Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

  5. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions ok guys thanks for doing that,but looks like i cant transfer the funds over as it is telling me i have exceeded the winnings amount.my suggestion would be to now take back what you put in and transfer via pokerstars or suchlike : example would be- Silentjay transfer $50.45 to Valiant Kippe transfer $21.62 to Goater Fonzie transfer $36.04 to Teaulc is that okay???

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