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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions i have waited in vain for Joachim to get back to me,no surprise there,so i have asked Paul Ross to get involved and see what he can do as he knows Alex of E-sport who sorted out Wasp`s escapade on pokerroom.. i am going to work on the cash we have been given and we should have $417 each so those that have been overpaid can they put the extra into the team wallet where i can then re-distribute to those underpaid :ok Fonzie to place $36.04 Kippe to place $21.62 Silentjay to place $50.45 when and if Marsinn gets sorted out we will share that equally... thankyou for your patience guys :ok

  2. Re: 15 left out of 162 runners.... you have pretty much left yourself no choice but to call the all-in, i would have gone all-in preflop as no matter what if you raised preflop you`re committed,and if they had all folded you have gained nearly 10% of your stack....no point limping to the final table if you fold,this is the point of no return if you want to win the tourney and hope the cards go your way

  3. Re: Inside Poker Mag - Poker God 3 - $10,000 Caribbean Cruise

    I will confirm this with Will Hill on Monday, but I am going to suggest both tournaments count as single points only. GL all and hopefully back to normal next month :hope
    can only assume that the normal person who does the donkey work on willhills is on holiday and as he is invaluable to them so he hasnt shown his slaves how to do it :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 thanks for posting Alun,always good when we are kept in the loop:ok
  4. Re: Inside Poker Mag - Poker God 3 - $10,000 Caribbean Cruise

    Tonight's game is open now... but it is NOT a $5 entry No Limit Hold'em...IT IS the Omaha freeroll that should have run last week!!!...the password is the one in the mag for tonights expected hold'em game though.
    you beat me to it :ok:ok good luck everyone tonight
  5. Re: Poker Utd Freerolls changes to league this season:: Mon, Tue at 8:30pm: Match Day Qualifier Freeroll (R/A)- Free to enter with option of $1 rebuys and add on (Same structure as the current Freeroll Friendly's) One Token for every $11 in the pot. 3 x Token guaranteed Wed, Thurs at 8:30pm: Match Day Qualifier (R/A) $1+10c Buy in with rebuy and add-on. One Token for every $11 in the pot- 3 x Tokens guaranteed. Fri, Sat at 7:30pm: Match Day Qualifier Freezout $2+20c Buy in One Token for every $11 in the pot- 3 x Tokens guaranteed. Sun 7:30pm Match Day-$200 added freezout- $10+$1 buy in or with a Match Day Token. League game

  6. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions spoke to Joachim again today,he still hasn`t spoken to Pokerroom,but says he will by the end of the week. he doesn`t see anything wrong with the payout as his thoughts are that as Marsinn qualified for the league he is entitled to his share,now as i remember this he was put in CVG with Silentjay and myself and we didnt do anything to qualify and said this to him. also told him that as Marsinn has never been in touch even after i emailed him and didnt contribute to anything with the team he didnt deserve any share of our winnings,his response was he will talk with his bosses. not looking hopeful guys,

  7. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    teaulc $380.97 valiant $366.55 fonzie $453.04 kippe $438.62 silentjay$467.45 goater $395.38 = $2502 it is looking like we got SHAFTED yet again going by these figures
    okay by my figures then marrsin got $218.18 :@:@ as i said i will try ringing them today and see what happens:hope
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