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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: APAT LIVE FORUM CHALLENGE, BLACKPOOL on 19th JULY taken from one of DesD` s posts on EMS Hi guys, Details are fully confirmed now. Dates as advertised. Standard 10,000 chip / 40 minute APAT structure. Forums can enter up to two teams. Top 50 players will score points between 1 (50th) and 50 (1st). The top three teams will take score prize money, with the individual event winner taking a GUKPT expensed entry ($3k). The winning forum owner will get a further added £1k to treat the group to some goodies at a later date and the Cup. so are we gonna have enough for two teams? or will it be 1 team and a couple of reserves?

  2. Re: free InsidePoker magazine subscription

    Thanks Al! Ive edited your original post mate, in the hope that if players want to download sites they may want to use PL links in order to help the forum, instead of using a separate site to download. Gra
    no problem.thought maybe it was automatically done
  3. Re: when your bad,your bad everything AJ is so right,i was soooo bad with this hand,and posted this to embarass myself everytime i think about it. but i honestly thought i was ahead even with the Ace on the flop,no excuses being made though and i accept every criticism this brings. cant believe Brian hasnt been berating me :loon

  4. i didnt in anyway put him on an ace let alone A/A:sad Texas Hold'em $0.30-$0.60 NL (real money), hand #P4-69529983-1349 Table Hartford, 9 Jun 2008 8:43 PM ET Seat 2: justiHBS ($31.43 in chips) Seat 3: augmentin1 ($9.23 in chips) Seat 5: Tarti-flette ($19.70 in chips) Seat 7: teaulcPL [ KH,KD ] ($23.69 in chips) Seat 9: KrAAAsh ($32.81 in chips) ANTES/BLINDS Tarti-flette posts blind ($0.15), teaulcPL posts blind ($0.30). PRE-FLOP KrAAAsh bets $0.60, justiHBS bets $1, augmentin1 calls $1, Tarti-flette folds, teaulcPL bets $5, KrAAAsh folds, justiHBS calls $4.30, augmentin1 folds. FLOP [board cards AH,JH,10H ] teaulcPL bets $12.30, justiHBS calls $12.30. TURN [board cards AH,JH,10H,AD ] teaulcPL checks, justiHBS bets $7, teaulcPL calls $6.09, and is all-in. RIVER [board cards AH,JH,10H,AD,6H ] SHOWDOWN justiHBS shows [ AS,AC ] teaulcPL shows [ KH,KD ] SUMMARY Dealer: augmentin1 Pot: $48.54, (including rake: $1.50) justiHBS bets $24.60, collects $48.54, net $23.94 augmentin1 loses $1 Tarti-flette loses $0.15 teaulcPL loses $23.69 KrAAAsh loses $0.60

  5. GAME #1560313021: Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2008-06-08 15:09:18 Table Rio "Jackpot Sit N Go", 173462441 (Tournament: Rio "Jackpot Sit N Go" Buy-In: $20+$3.50) Seat 1: tealcpl ($870.00 in chips) Seat 3: Sjokoladepudding ($1,380.00 in chips) Seat 5: jacels ($1,950.00 in chips) Seat 6: bolla ($790.00 in chips) Seat 8: kasparh ($1,010.00 in chips) DEALER tealcpl: Post BB $60.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to tealcpl [s9 H9] Sjokoladepudding: Call $60.00 jacels: Call $60.00 bolla: Fold kasparh: Fold tealcpl: Raise (NF) $120.00 Sjokoladepudding: Call $60.00 jacels: Call $60.00 *** FLOP *** [D9 C9 C6] tealcpl: Check Sjokoladepudding: Check jacels: Bet $120.00 tealcpl: Call $120.00 Sjokoladepudding: Fold *** TURN *** [s2] tealcpl: Check jacels: Check *** RIVER *** [DK] tealcpl: Bet $150.00 jacels: Call $150.00 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $900.00 Rake $0.00 jacels: Shows [HA D6] tealcpl: wins $900.00

  6. this works fine with pokerstars but with ipoker it doesnt boot up. i have looked at the forum but i cant make head or tail of what is being said. can anyone write it down in simple terms how to configurate it ? :ok also what stats are preferable for optimum info?

  7. Re: Pokerplayer Magazine GUKPT Online Festival Freeroll

    Ok - I'm going to remove all the posts refering to "I binned my CD" :ok Anyone in this position - feel free to PM me - I will verify you have the mag (ask for a random word on a random page) - if you can demonstrate you have the mag, then I will PM you the password :ok I feel this is reasonable (and hopefully will not meet with scorn from the mags)
    i sometimes wonder trev,whether you are really an artificial symbiotic bot.:tongue2 do never sleep?:zzz:zzz
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