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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: CVG Poker Champions - Champions League already ahead of you mate :ok pm`s will be sent later to the 2 players who were interested

    Al, I see that Philossify has managed to get Slapdash registered for the Bikeradar team (not for this league, but for future ones). http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f84/poll-bikeradar-champs-lg-matches-4-5-wed-11th-june-sun-june-15th-68411/#post1105224 Is Uber still interested in playing for CVG? I think a couple more players would be beneficial if we are to continue as a team. Thoughts guys?
  2. Re: two i poker platforms same time?

    I use innotek virtual box without any problems. Very straight forward. If I remember correctly I tried the microsoft version but couldn't get it to work but it was so long ago I cant remember why.
    is that why you have ipoker issues with disconnections??
  3. Re: It is good to share no point in me posting in strategy as you all know i aint got a clue,but i get by,especially now having taken Wasp`s (Brian) advise,i dont play so much now so more confident in what i do... if anything i would love to be a vastly better tourney player but it aint for me it seems,except most live games i do ok in, sng is my bread and butter but i wont post hand history as i always feel i am gonna be heavily criticised and my confidence is thin at the best of times. i do try to read the strategy side of things here but with a wife who hates me being on the laptop and hates poker with a vengeance i dont get much time to read.

  4. Re: eSport latest news

    Not totally happy with that payout struture' date=' being a team event every active member of our team (CVG) contributed and the money should be split evenly, I no Mr V was away for a few games due to holiday and fonzie was in hospital for a couple. i would feel bad if I was awarded more money then other members for playing more games.[/quote'] my sentiments exactly,it is a team game and the payout should be equal to the team players
  5. Re: eSport latest news

    I am going to look further into this gaf. There definately seems to be something not right about week 8. Get the feeling that the whole affair has not been completely thought through and any decisions that were made are certrainly not being communicated properly.
    dont forget week 15, still a bit galling i win my game that week and my team done well and get nowt for it
  6. Re: an end to my negative variance at last?

    I don't think he's suffering from negative variance at all! He's just a bad player and I pwn him like when ran his pocket 7's into my J's last night;).
    what your not saying is i hit my 7 on the flop and you spawn a jack on the turn :tongue2:tongue2 every dog has his day once in a while,i will let you have this one....;) but you know i own you:dude:dude
  7. Re: eSport latest news and maybe in the honour of fairness and what with all the cockups etc that a gesture of goodwill be made to pay the top 2 teams the same top prize of $5700 each team

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