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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: 2 reserve players needed for eSport CVG Poker Champions

    Al - have you bounced this off of eSport? I cant see why there would be any issues however you should check with them that you can recruit extra players for your team :ok
    oooh there is a thought,,,i will if they ever go on msn ... i always seem to miss them,okay to anyone that is interested then it will have to be okayed by esport as well :ok. but always good to know if there is anyone ;)
  2. i am looking for 2 players that wouldnt mind being reserves for our team in the Champions League next month... i am not sure about after the leagues have finished whether there is another league which would obviously include yourselves as permanent team members,but we have been very successful so far with the team i have proud to captain. please feel free to post any questions i will endeavour to answer them :ok

  3. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions on a lighter note guys,well done tonight,just 3 points off top spot with 2? games to go and back to full strength from wedsnesday onwards, we are virtually guaranteed a spot in the Champions League and a possible very nice payday :cow please post your availability and i will let you know the team for wednesdays game on tuesday evening :ok

  4. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions trouble is Trev,just what have they done to adress it??nothing............ if they were gonna do anything it would have been done by now,which raises another question and one i am sure has been in peoples minds,are we really gonna be paid??? because to be honest i aint 100% sure it is gonna happen and i hope to god i am wrong,but they have had ample time to sort all the problems out,if they cant do it then pay me £50,000 a year to sort it,i would be very happy to do it then

  5. Re: e-sports league - Red Aces whats the matter guys and gals,pressure getting to ya :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 seriously though good luck in the run in for last couple of games,it has been an interesting league with the sit-outs,freezing etc and made all the better when there is close competition :ok

  6. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    Wow - I've no idea how you can have a clue who's top - Can you put your version of the table up please? :tongue2
    i am going by the official one at the moment as it is the only one relevant considering that esport have no interest in the frozen game 8,and i am sure we did okay in frozen game 15, i know it is galling to you but hey thats poker and we are winners :tongue2:tongue2
  7. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    Well done mate, I am at work, so downloaded quickly, hit the K and just went for it. But bad call for the raise with K-9 ;):lol Only kidding mate with your chips i would as well. Now you better win
    very ul mate,but had to call with my chip size sorry but ty
  8. Re: Sky Live Event

    why dont someone log in for him and reg for him.....
    i didnt like to ask :$ but as it is it will have to wait til next friday anyway,just had an expensive weekend with travelling up to north london and back to see my new grand-daughter and buying a few things for her
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