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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions okay i am gonna take the initiative and take goater up on his offer for fonzie. we can sort something out later :ok. so team for sunday is now: teaulc silentjay fonzie kippe valiant obviously no need to state the obvious,but we need some serious points guys in the next couple of games and i see no reason why we cant do it,so have a good game and lets get 3 wins at least

  2. Re: e-sports league - CVG Poker Champions

    Not 100% certain but I remember reading somewhere that their is a prize for best individual, if thats the case I dont mind sitting out on Sunday to let fonzie play to give him a shout for this prize as his performance to date (bar the last one;)) have been very consistent. Looking through earlier posts but can,t seem to find where I read it to.
    that is a very generous offer mate,i havent set the team in stone yet,i will do that tommorrow night,i seem to recall reading the same thing somewhere ,i will give fonzie time to respond :ok
  3. Re: AWOP VP Rumble - Tiebreak this Thursday what a cracking evening,a thoroughly enjoyable night of poker even when i had to sit out for half hour to get my bro-in-law who`s car had broke down to see most my chips gone:loon,then the old poker gods kicked in and helped me out for a change :D.. well done the other pl`ers who got the points and well done to AWOP for being very gracious losers,their poker was played in the best of spirits as it should be..:cheers roll on the next one

  4. Re: Virgin Festival in Newcastle All of us here at Virgin Poker just wanted to say a big thank you for coming along to the Virgin Poker Festival last weekend! We’re still buzzing after such a terrific weekend! Congratulations go to local player Darren Laverick for scooping the 1st prize of £7,500! Take a look at the players that made the final table and where they finished.






    Darren Laverick



    Stewart Palethorpe



    Shelley Rubenstein


    The Luckbox

    Jon Spinks


    EMS Chalky

    Chris Baylis



    Lee Harrison



    James Eccles


    Golden Ovaries

    Lucy Rokach



    Jim Goodison



    Tony Barlow

    Virgin STT Champions Congrats also go to Mark ‘EMS_Jag’ Allum for taking down Sundays STT Champs comp winning £500 and Virgin’s added value of 50,000 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club Miles which is enough for a return flight to Las Vegas! Well done to everyone who won an STT and sorry to those players who had to wait a while for a table. Bounties Having bounty players added a little extra fun to the proceedings.Well doneto those players who knocked out one of our bounty players (two of which made the final table). Rally won by Jon Spinks aka TheLuckBox

    Balloon Ride: won by Darren Laverick

    Seat in Virgin WSOP Final qualifier: won by Graeme Scott aka EMS_GS

    Seat in a Virgin WSOP Final qualifier: won by Glen Willcock aka :Street7

    Wii 10 Pin bowling on the Nintendo Wii proved as popular as ever and the winners of a crate of wine were: Petey Teaulc :nana:nana:nana:nana Photos Snaps of the weekend can be found on our Facebook group – Friends of Virgin Poker. Join the group if you haven’t already done so and see if you can spot yourself in action! Feedback This was just the 2nd Virgin Poker Festival we’ve organised and we are learning all the time about how to put on a great poker event. Therefore we’d love to hear from you for your thoughts on the Virgin Poker Festival, which elements of the weekend you enjoyed and where we need to pull our collective socks up. Just reply to this email if you have any thoughts you want to pass on. Qualify for the next Virgin Poker Festival If you enjoyed the weekend you may be interested to know that we are already planning the next festival which will take place over the summer. The location is still to be confirmed but it’s probably safe to say it will be further south than Newcastle! Tomorrow (Wednesday 16th April) we are running an exclusive ‘Festival Meetup’ tourney on Virgin Poker at 8pm. There are two seats up for grabs for the next festival so for just a €2 buyin you could be preparing yourself for another weekend of poker fun! The password is: ******* Judging by the fact that we all helped the Aspers Casino brake their record for weekend bar receipts I think this is an entirely appropriate password! All the best Ollie Poker CRM Manager image001.jpg

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  5. Re: List of PL Qualifiers for the Virgin Festival in Newcastle great write up Ben,i aint too good at writing details down so will be brief ;) bit up and down to start with on the main event,threw 4k away chasing a flush but built it back up again when the easiest guy to read (ironsid3) tried bluffing an ace in his hand. being in table 22 got moved fairly soon after and put on Avongirl and MaD Duke`s table ( FISH :tongue2:tongue2 ),the hand that hurt me was against MD, i raise pre-flop with A/J Spades and he calls..flop comes down A/Q/8, i bet into it and he goes all in,i didnt put him on an Ace and after a little thought called him (i had him covered by 1500 chips,and was quite sure he was trying to bully me off the pot) , he turns over Q/8 :wall turn and river didnt help..i did ask him how he called my preflop raise with that hand and he said cos it was suited :spank:spank:rollin:rollin.. anyway not long after i have my dreaded pocket 9`s,i have no choice and in we go ...2 callers.flop is 9/rag/rag :loon:loon:D:D the other 2 are then all in as well and both turn over K/K so a nice pot for me to get me back in the game.. i then get moved and joined the Mole on his table. get dealt A/Q Hearts and with only 3k in chips i have decided it`s going all in,,big stack before is all-in and i call him,he turns over A/10 :nana:nana flop..1st card out ,a bloody 10 :sadso that was me gone 154/226. had a cracking weekend and was great to meet up with a lot of old faces and a few new ones, Sunday i was driving back early afternoon so had a quick go at the WII challenge and set a target of 237 hoping that that was gonna be good enough seeing as 227 was the high score on Saturday and upon reading Ben`s thread ( very unlucky mate ) hopefully i won it. It was so good to see all the old faces again and to meet the new ones. a big thanks to Virgin, good to see Ted again,(he aint changed a bit) and Joe who always looks younger every time i see him. Well done to Borok, Duncan and the Mole for making it to day 2 and although Graeme got donked very early on in the day well done in the forum challenge and the stt`s :clap:clap:clap

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