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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Poker utd!!

    Well I hope we don't have a re-run of last night's fiasco of a game (with no explanation yet). :zzz
    it was all down to i-poker,,they had server problems
  2. Re: Poker utd!! Hi Player

    Tonight is POKER UTD's first International Match Day with a mighty France v England clash at 22:15pm.

    If you haven't signed up yet it's not too late.

    Just boot up the POKER UTD software and you will find it in the 'Scheduled/Specials' section.

    It's free to enter with a $500 prizepool and a $500 Winners tournament for players from the winning side.

    For more details, including how to score click HERE

    Here's to an England double!

    Oh sorry we are unbiased here. Good luck both teams ;)


  3. Re: Gameday March 19 - Technical Problems!!! very generous Jo :clap:clap

    Hello, we are currently checking with pokerroom what exactly the problems were. The league definitely goes on. Next matchday is as scheduled. There will be a side event for the leaguemembers to give some compensation of the wasted time you guys had. We will get to you with info about that later. Cheers, Jo
  4. Re: Poker utd!! Hi Player They say that the cream will always rise to the top and last seasons POKER UTD Champion spannerlj seems to back this up with his first place finish. His team, Plymouth, had a double fixture so he ended up scoring 8 goals. They won 4:0 against Scunthorpe and Bristol City. This keeps them clear at the top of the Championship and also puts spannerlj to the top of the Top Goal Scorers Table. He also wins a Match Day Token for the other Plymouth players ( malc100, Griff5o5) Well played! Second place finisher eggster57 scored a hat trick for Blackburn as they hammered West Ham 3:0. This result puts him into top spot as the current Premiership Top Goal Scorer. thetempest01 finished in third place giving Bolton a 2:0 win over Wigan. Well done also to teaulcsg and MagisterMilitum for finishing in the money. The current league positions can be seen HERE There are plenty of fixtures this week, so loads of goals to be had. To see who your team is up against click HERE You can buy in directly to the League Tournament or use a Match Day Token: 3X Match Day Tokens are up for grabs every weekday in the Match Day Qualifier Freerolls at 8:30pm 5X Match Day Tokens are available in the Match Day Shoot Out every Saturday at 12:00 noon. This tourney costs just 55c. Sweep: Last week the sweep was to predict the score in the Iceland v Faroe Islandsgame. First correct guess sent in gets $50. Any other correct guesses $10. Well the score was 3:0 to Iceland and 4 of you got it spot on and win cash and a Match Day Token. In order they arrived in the inbox: slievesnacht - $50 barowfordclaret - $10 spannerlj -$10 MagicBromz $10 Well done all of you. The money will be paid into your POKER UTD accounts. This week the sweep will be on the France V England match. You need to predict the score AND the name of the first goal scorer. Get either one correct and win a Match Day Token. Guess both correct and be the first entry in and win $50. All other correct predictions will win $10 Please send your email to [email protected] with your prediction of first goal scorer and score, with your user name to arrive before the kick off. One guess per player. France v England International Match Day: Straight after the football match we are having our own France V England International on POKER UTD. It's free to enter and there is a $500 prizepool with another $500 tournament for the winning team. Please try and get as many English players as you can to register for this tournament so that we can win the $500 Winners tournament. At the moment there are more French players than English and that can't be right! Goals are scored just like in the POKER UTD Leagues, except there is no extra goal for finishing higher than the other team, so its: 1st Place = 3 Goals 2nd Place = 2 Goals 3rd Place = 1 Goal Registration is open now. For more info on POKER UTD's first International Match Day click HERE Bounty: Congratulations to teaulcsg for knocking out the bounty player B3ZZY. He wins a Match Day Token. This week spannerlj is the bounty player, but he kindly informed me that he won't be playing this Sunday, so maybe resident pro teaulcsg can carry the bounty this week. Knock him out and win a Token. If no one manages to then he will win a $50 bonus. Here's to an England double! POKER UTD Team

  5. Re: BPP Chaaaaarge

    Oi teaulc no need for that you bloody racist' date=' but I'll let it go seeing as my nation has a far superior Rugby team.[/quote'] then you will be well at home in Brighton,what with all the practise of chasing men all round a field :moon:tongue2
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