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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: eSport UK Pro Poker League - Extra chances with the other games i have on tonight there is no chance i can play anymore than the one game on pokeroom so will take my chance. definately need a tri-screen laptop...on the xmas list now :) too late for birthday today

  2. Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League

    It's worth stressing' date=' that this is a one off opportunity tonight to get into the premier league (for free) as it's the UK Launch and they need to fill the league to start off with - after tonight, you can only get into the premier league by buying into qualification leagues and then winning promotion .... by being in the premier league from the off, it's far easier to avoid relegation and stay there, than to get into the league later....[/quote'] are you saying you really really want me to play??
  3. Re: "PuntersLounge All In Poker Team" joins eSport League

    First Paul - thanks for your great statment- WASP thanks too! :-) I want to add something from the view of the eSport Poker League. I really can understand everyone who´s still angry... I really do. That was the first what I felt yesterday, when I heared about wasp. But I am sad about your decisions, not to play in our League :-( The eSport Poker League is not responsible to what happend there at PokerRoom. And the people we are working (for the eSport Poker Leauge) with at PokerRoom neither. When we heared about this problem yesterday we talked to our contact persons at PokerRoom - and they heared about this the first time too. But they made PL/wasp through us an offer and will appologize for what happened - even though they weren´t the persons who blew this up at PokerRoom. We did the best to solve this problem on a short way and I can guarantee that in our league everything is running as it should. We paid out more than $150.000 of pricemoney in the first season which ended 6 weeks ago - and every cent was payed out to the users. So hopefully you´ll change you mind. If I can help you further on - please tell me. Cheers, Alexander
    i appreciate where you are coming from,and it is not a case of holding a grudge,anyone who knows me well enough knows i am not like that.... i dont like the site full stop,but if you read earlier my 1st words were, good luck all. this is a personal choice not to play and yes a little of what happened to Brian has been taken into account,i even have money in the site that is sitting there but again i aint worried about that either. i wish all involved the best of luck and who knows if it goes well then i may reconsider.
  4. Re: Poker utd!!

    :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol Ou dans les mots de Sarcozy - "Caisse-Toi"!! :tongue2 Alors mes amis rosbif, qu'est ce que vous allez faire? L'entante cordial et tout ca!!
    not me mate,,,and less of the roast beef :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2
  5. Re: Poker utd!! Hi Player PLhen bangs home 4 for Arsenal in their away win against Birmingham. This puts Arsenal level on points with Newcastle at the top of the POKER UTD Premiership. PLhen wins $106 and a Match Day Token for all the Arsenal players. (MrHumpty, SIMPOK, DanPL, Stasia4) Nice win! Runner up runadrum9 scored a hat-trick as Leeds beat Crewe 3-0 and keeps them at the top of League One.FL1NTOFF finished in third and scored a couple for Blackburn in their 2-0 win over Bolton. Well done also to SHANEUK83 and spannerlj or finishing in the money. For more information on the Leagues, including how to score goals click HERE SweepLast week the sweep was to predict the score in the Carling Cup final between Spurs and Chelsea. Spurs ended up winning 2:1 and three of you predicted the correct result, so well done to: taras20 silverunpl 1esjohnson Congratulations, you all win a Match Day Token and share the $50 prize ( $16.66. Oooohhhh go on then, call it $17 :) Oh how we love giving away money here at POKER UTD, so we shall have another sweep with $50 up for grabsOn the 4th March there are a few UEFA Champions League matches Guess the correct score in the following matches and win $50. AC Milan v Arsenal Man Utd v Lyon Please send your email to [email protected] with your prediction and user name to arrive before the kick off.

    Bounty: SHANEUK83 won the bounty last week and has been credited with a Match Day Token. This Sunday PLhen is the bounty player. Knock him out and win a Token. If no one manages to then he will win a $50 bonus. BonusThe first team to have 9 players representing their team in any one Match Day tournament will win a $350 private tourney This bonus will only run until the end of the season ;) International Match: A $1000 France v England match has now been scheduled in on the 26th March at 10:15pm. Details can be found HERE It kicks off straight after the International football match finishes. There is a $500 prizepool and all the players representing the winning nation qualify for a $500 Winners tournament the following week. At the moment there are more French players than English so please spread the word as it would be a shocker not to win this one! As you have received this mail, then you are already registered for your Country. If you want to play in the tournament you can find it in the Scheduled/Specials section on the POKER UTD software. Be nice!: This International fixture is our first one here at POKER UTD. And hopefully the first of many. There have been a lot of French players joining the site recently and some have been playing in the Match Day Qualifiers. Now I'm all for a bit of friendly banter, but some of it has been a bit nasty.Please stop the comments to the French players referring directly or indirectly to them as Frogs Such comments as 'Frogs', 'Froggies' , 'Frogger' , 'Where have all your tadpoles gone' (WTF??) are not on, so lets be nice to the French and let the poker do the talking! Good luck at the tables! POKER UTD Team

  6. Re: Morlspin

    I'm not sure why it would be deemed as a 'mad' decision to appoint Graeme as a moderator for poker live. I would consider an excellent decision to appoint a guy who has a passion for poker, especially live, someone who cares about the forum and someone who knows what he is talking about. Well done G-Man :clap:clap I'm sure you will do an excellent job :clap:clap:clap
  7. Re: World Poker Crown in tonights as sent email last friday,and in next weeks as well without sending email, so assuming that they really dont understand what the magazines are trying to achieve,at least with Skypoker it worked with a good degree of success even if it was just for subscribers. but the mags are trying hard to please and you cant ask for more than that

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