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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. after a very long barren spell i hope i have now got over this hurdle. played a 12 man $20 WSOP Executive "jackpot sng" on TONYG Poker (IPoker) and ended up winning it.:nana i know it may not sound much to you lot but the way my luck has been lately this was a real confidence booster. tonyg1tm2.png tonyg1tm2.b25f37d67e.jpg

  2. Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Festival @ DTD - Minimum 3 seats !!!!

    no probs hope you not 1 player short of another seat tho !!! remember that al when you gave ukgfs pw to pl players lol
    and when did i do that?? as far as i am aware apart from 1 other pl`er who frequants that forum no pl`er would be playing a ukgf game,,so don`t go down that road. if the mods here say you dont qualify for the password that has nowt to do with me,should have read post 1 to start with
  3. Re: PL Poker Night - Saturday May 31st - Birmingham - RE-ARRANGED! a big thanks to Barry`s and PL for organising another great night out (i think), got there a bit early but wanted to miss the traffic so got a nice feel for the place and learnt a bit about the history of the place. played an early sit and go before ColU turned up for our crib challenge which with Valiant as a partner won :nana:nana. great to see Nessy and partner again who i hadnt seen since Ibiza,and to finally meet Phillosify and Milberforce and Mowgli who really does look like a grown up jungle book character ;) good to see Brian (wasp) turn up and to see all the usual suspects again. as for the main event i lasted 3/4 hour when not really having played a hand i get J/J as BB. Morls raises utg+1 and Dave488 calls, i re-raise to 1500 with Graeme going all-in.Dave folds and i call. Morls turns over A/K for about the 3rd or 4th time already. flop brings out all rags as well as the turn,,then as per usual with my negative variance coming up to my 4th month a King on the river.... after the break and curry & chips we have a sng,which somehow manage to limp into 3rd place and get my buy-in back. the 2nd sng i bubble. finally left about 1am to drive home and got in at 3.30am so dont know yet who won.

  4. 080527_tourney_fest-league.gif

    When? Tourneys for the Festival League run every Monday and Tuesday at 7.45pm (BST). What? Play in the 'Virgin Festival League' tourneys (€2) every Monday and Tuesday and earn league points. At the end of the month the top 2 players earn an open festival seat to be used for the Virgin Poker Festival of their choice and €250 gets spread across the remaining top 10 finishers. Points will be awarded for the top 20 finishers in each tourney and each player’s top 4 finishes of the month will count towards their final league standing. The first tourney of the Poker Festival League tourneys is on Monday 2nd June. The League Table will be displayed here.

    How To Score Points
    1stFestival Seat
    2ndFestival Seat
    Virgin Poker Festival Seats can be used in any Festival in the 12 months after they are won. Your top 4 finshes each month in the Virgin Festival League tourneys will count toward your league total. For exmaple if you finshed 4th (60points), 1st (100), 15th (20), 11th (28) and 9th (35) yout total for the month would be 223 points (60+100+28+35). Terms and Conditions
    • Festival seats in the Virgin festival League must be redeemed by players in the 12 months from winning the seat. Festival locations and dates may not always be available 12 months in advance.
    • All winners will be contacted within 48 hours and prizes awarded.
    • Virgin Poker’s decision is final.
    • Virgin games reserve the right to withdraw or alter the promotion at any time.
    • Player’s suspected of collusion or multi-registration will be disqualified from the League for the month which the offence occurs.

  5. can one of you techies out there help me get the ongame configuration sorted out please? ipoker,full tilt and pokerstars work no problem but i am not getting anything with regards to ongame. is there something i should be setting up on the ongame site ? everything is ticked for auto-import pt3bbq9.png pt3bbq9.851202ce6d.jpg

  6. Re: PL Exclusive League with PokerKings - May i would just like to second what dodger said with regards to Helen,it is very much appreciated by us all. as for the monkey ;):lol i was in an exceptional good mood last night and was just adding some alleviating banter,i hope McG wasnt too upset with me in supporting dodger and gemlin :tongue2 also a quick note to fenners,i wasnt being serious about i said :tongue2:tongue2 even if you do like a drink or 2,i class you as an exceptional player mate and always like playing on the same table as you :ok well done all who cashed this month and bring on the next one :dude

    Well played all last night :clap:clap Congrats to Warbirds who takes down the tournament in the final strides :clap:clap Self congrats to me...it's great to get into the mix against PLers :eyes Must offer my condolences to McG who was in there batting but unfortunately had a very aggressive monkey on his back (yes...that would be Teaulc, giving it some stick from the rails!) all through the final table...unlucky. Massive thanks to :clap :clapAvongirl :clap:clap who, besides taking the reins and collating the tables for the new Champions leagues, found the time to pass on all the info about who needed what during the final table. Greatly appreciated and had the final table buzzing away all the way through...superb work Avon and well appreciated by all. :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy
  7. Re: CVG Poker Champions - Champions League well that was a disaster,,these germans are bigger fish than hungarians... my last hand was k/Q hitting K/Q on the flop then get bloody rivered.... mind you valiant will post my power hand of 72o soon with any luck ;)

  8. Re: has anyone been in touch with support?

    Nice one Reesh, :clap For starters, when are we going to get the money for the UK league?
    also what has happened with the league,is it done and dusted and weeks 8 and 15 by the by? or is this issue still ongoing and that is why no money has been paid out?
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