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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: PL WSOP at Dusk Til Dawn sponsored by Stan James Poker 27th Sept, i will book later,just cost £1400 for me holiday to Corfu for 4 of us all-inclusive for 2 weeks so a bit skint this week. i will be coming up on the Friday as well as i am going to make a weekend of it so looking forward to this very much and if Graeme rivers me again i have my shotgun in the boot to blow him a new :moon ;):dude

  2. Re: Annette_15 $20k GTD tourney had been card dead for ages,every time i go to raise to try steal someone beat me to it :\. i get 10/10 and felt it was time to make a move if i was going to get anywhere near the money..so pot raise and BB pushes pack,if i fold i am in trouble so pushed back,,he has A/A :sad the times this happens i should know by now,i have gone out so many times when the BB has had A/A...still did enjoy the tournament and didnt feel nowhere near out my depth...shame that 2 more players hadnt regged as 18 would have been paid and i might have changed the way i played that last hand.. oh by the way i went out 34th of 99

  3. Re: Poker utd!! The 08/09 season kicked off with fixtures for all the leagues apart from the Premiership. teaulcsg continued this season from where he had left off, with an opening tournament win. Netting 4 for Brighton against Crewe and taking an early lead in the Top Goal Scorers Table. His win also provided him with a POKER UTD league record of $250 in cash. Well played! In second place was tatydt9. His win netted him $150 and a Hat-Trick for Hearts in their 3-0 win over Motherwell. SHANEUK83 finished in third spot, taking home $100 and also nabbing the bounty on his way by knocking out Fadds thus winning a Match Day Token. Unfortunately Man Utd did not have a fixture so no goals were scored. Bounty: This week teaulcsg is the bounty player. Knock him out and win a Match Day Token. If no one knocks him out then he will win $50. There are plenty of fixtures this week with the Premiership kicking off. To see who your team is playing CLICK HERE Also due to popular demand the Match Day Tournament will now pay the top 10 players Good luck

  4. Re: 32Red Poker Olympics oh the power of 4/4,,got dealt my fave hand again,raised preflop and 1 caller,flop gives me my trips,queen on turn guy goes all in he has A/Q and thankyou very much :dude:dude

  5. me and Washy were playing this $11 buy in Sat. 47 runners and 25 seats GTD. Washy unluckily went out and i hung on to the bubble....i was doing okay until the large stack deceided not to call the low stack`s 1 and half blinds all in which left me in a very bad situation,,,,end story is this i have 15 chips left and about to go out when the next hand is played......for once the pokergods smiled on me and on the other table the all-in lost :nana:nana:nana:nana,so i am now in the $2k GTD at 8.30pm tonight.

  6. Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY

    Hey guys, That's correct; I have contacted MicroGaming to see if the antes can be changed in the Private Games so that they will be more balanced with the blinds. I assume that if I can get it done you guys will be playing on 32Red solely on the Fridays! I'm not doing all this work so you can play on Ladbrokes when it's fixed (will be fixed there as well when I manage to get the change through since Ladbrokes uses the same software) ;) Haha, ok hope you're njoying the 32Red Poker Olympics and I'll see you all on the tables soon! Izz (Poker Manger at 32Red Poker)
    :welcome to PL Izzy, thanks for your help :ok
  7. Re: Kinky Friday Cash Variants - BPP Focus Game Friday 8th - 4x100m SWIMMING MEDLEY i did enjoy last night,it worked well but as Uber said no-one could lay down their hands and i forget how many times i was rivered:sad,then my KK/888 gets done by Rvrd`s AA/888 and had 2 other full houses beaten,but hey am i depressed? TOO FECKING RIGHT I AM ;);):lol:lol i look forward to the next one,well played all :clap:clap

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