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PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added


PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added  

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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added Did a couple of mini Sats but didn't get anywhere. Managed to Sat into the $50 entry - $8K Guaranteed Omaha game tho' for $6, 80 odd players, managed 20 something I think (was on the vino), top 12 got paid, $3.5K I think for winner. (Think it was Euros also, but have no Euro key, & can't remember how to do it)

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Re: PL Exclusive Red Hot Poker Promotion! -- 4th October Start €1025 added

Did a couple of mini Sats but didn't get anywhere. Managed to Sat into the $50 entry - $8K Guaranteed Omaha game tho' for $6, 80 odd players, managed 20 something I think (was on the vino), top 12 got paid, $3.5K I think for winner. (Think it was Euros also, but have no Euro key, & can't remember how to do it)
Yep all Red Hot Poker tables in euro's (€). I always find wine is a fine accompaniment to Omaha tournies! (Alt-$ = €) :ok
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