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Hellmuth Punished for Slow Roll


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Re: Hellmuth Punished for Slow Roll Some cracking lines in that :rollin I particularly like the way it was Hellmuth who suggested that they run it 3 or 4 times - he clearly felt that he was providing some sort of insurance, just in case the guy was lucky once.

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Re: Hellmuth Punished for Slow Roll I don't like Phil Hellmuth, but this is really wrong. Phil offered the guy to draw 4 times, knowing he had an enormous advantage - that in itself is very generous, and Phil is giving away money there. Then everyone is cheering and laughing when the unlikely is happening, what a mob. Total disgrace, Phil didn't deserve that As a side note, the rookie behaved like he actually had a lock hand with pocket kings on a 9T9 flop when some other guy is 3-shoving. Come on. :eyes

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Re: Hellmuth Punished for Slow Roll Just seen this. How can anybody call it a slowroll. Not a great fan of Helmuth, but to suggest as laak and tony G did that he was slow rolling is nonsense. With that hand I would have thought i could be loosing to 10's full. As soon as the other guy moved all in Helmuth snap called. Don't understand why he give the option to draw 4 times. Not a smart move

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Re: Hellmuth Punished for Slow Roll

Phil offered the guy to draw 4 times, knowing he had an enormous advantage - that in itself is very generous, and Phil is giving away money there.
Don't understand why he give the option to draw 4 times. Not a smart move
How is he giving away money? Running it more than once gives you exactly the same average win/loss as running it once, but reduces your variance. By the way, I agree that it didn't look like much of a slow roll.
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Re: Hellmuth Punished for Slow Roll

How is he giving away money? Running it more than once gives you exactly the same average win/loss as running it once' date= but reduces your variance.
Your'e right slap, i had my head up my arse when i wrote it :lol What i meant was that Phil should not be interested in giving the rookie low variance. - Phil's aim is to bust him (and every other player at the table) - Phil does not care about high or low variance, since they are, for him, playing for peanuts. - The higher variance, the more likely the rookie will bust quickly So, Phil wants high variance, and should not offer him to draw more than once
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