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Samba Sampa


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Re: Samba Sampa

Any more news Jason?
I am not Jase, but still have news I email occassionally with Pete, so this morning I did and told him you asked and if there something I shall/put on forum so here is the result: G'morning Star White ;o) Sure you can just copy and paste what I type (it'll be easier I am sure) - put people's minds at rest ;o) so much worry about little old me!! lol. That's texts off Rivrd and Joe I have had, and emails off you and Morlspin, and Avongirl asking on the forum you say? I can't be missed quite THAT much :p We're not bad, kids are great. Toni's had a rough time lately as it was her brother's inquest at start of September - it kept getting delayed and put back, when all she wanted was it over and done with. It would have been her Brother's birthday this coming Sunday, and our family from Preston were supposed to be coming and his ashes were going to be scattered on the day, but his wife has stopped answering Toni's calls and texts. Toni's discovered why though, she phoned the funeral director to enquire about the ashes, and they still have them there as his wife hasn't paid the funeral bill yet. And they can't be released to Toni or Toni's family, only to his wife. So Toni's hoping it is sorted in time for the anniversary of his death at the end of November. My Dad had a triple heart bypass operation in August, he is doing quite well since so fingers crossed he keeps it up. I had been hoping to be back online already, at the end of Sept, but Virgin are playing awkward beggars. I terminated our contract with them at the requisite days notice after it cost us so much spending over a week in a hotel when Toni's Nana passed away in May or so, and we needed to make cuts in the budget. Our services were turned off fine, and received no further request for any money, so assumed it was fine - it was over 12 months since our contract started so there was no reason it wouldn't be fine. Then when BT requested some code or other from them for our broadband line or something they decided they wanted £160+ off us to pay off the rest of our 'contract' - saying because we had a wireless router off them in Jan or Feb or some time, that constituted us accepting the start of a new 12 months contract. So I've told Virgin where to go, and Toni's trying to find out where we stand on her lunch time at work. She reckons we'll have to pay it, but they can sod off imo. Glad to hear some people are still doing well. Where was this year's PLWSOP then? Who won the bracelets? I swear I will get to one soon :o( Albeit I'll have forgotten how to play poker by now!! Do you still play as much? Nursing your shortstacks while doing your kinitting?? ;o) hehe Speak soon, Pete
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Re: Samba Sampa Thanks Gina. :ok Good to hear he and close family are OK, but clearly had a lot going on with the rest of their family. Pretty sure he's forgotten then about his unresolved staking. He'll probably be mortified when he gets back on here. :lol If you (or anyone) are in touch again mention the PLWSOP is still coming up and local if he fancies it. :ok (Another one not getting the PL emails? :unsure)

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Re: Samba Sampa I mailed him about PLWSOP, this was his answer: Ohhhhhh a PLWSOP in Newcastle is pretty perfect :o) that's excellent!! Is it a PLo and a NLHE tournament again? What are the buyins, can't remember what they have been in past?? I'll definitely want to play NLHE, the PLO will depend on money. When do people need to know by? Hopefully I will be back online in time to get a place? Or can you pay on the day?? His questions to it are answered, thanks to Morl :)

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