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Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...


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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... and just to mention , i dont trust any online gambling sites as well , i do beleive they cheat , there is evidence on youtube of ghost accounts and backdoors so they can see what you got and what ya doing . and the most important thing to remember is that all these sites are based in gibraltar .. that means if they rob you , you cant do nothing about it . not our jurisdiction . so theyre legally covered before they legally rob you . anyway - good luck punters - be smart - dont do anything daft

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... Man plays game called roulette, mathematically designed to guarantee long-term losses for anyone dumb enough to take it seriously, man, predictably, loses over the long term. Foul play is suspected. Sounds like the definition of insanity to me.

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... Save yourself an extra go if doing it, for example if you start with £0.50 and you lose, your next bet should not be £1.00, your next bet should be £0.50 just to recoup that last £0.50, not £1.00 :ok

for example say I have £30, I bet 50p, it looses, I bet £1, it looses, I bet £2, it looses, finally I bet £4, and if it looses (hasn't so far :hope) I then start over betting 50p. quote]
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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system... Never saw this thread originally, must have been away or something. :unsure As for getting PL into trouble - no operator has been mentioned, so there's no issue there. :ok Also, no you can't win on roulette, it's just a lucky streak. ;)

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Re: Just won £50 quid on Roulette with this system...

my opinion = it uses your own betting patterns to eventually catch you out... i use 9 stakes , so if bet 9 loses i restart again from minimum stake . basically take the loss on the chin and fight on . now when i heard about this . i tried it free play , with about 6 x a4 lined books and about 13 biro pens . i recorded everything , bet , stake , betting board , and result , and i format it like a tickbox sheet . and can record approx 350 - 500 spins per page of paper . seems alot ..... IT AINT. freeplay i sticked to disciplined betting patterns untill id sampled half a dozen patterns. i can tell you the best i did was 1500 spins until i died , with basic black red black red black red . ( this defeats any 10 x red / 10 x black streak ). and worst was 400 spins till death with 3x black 3x red 3 x black 3 x red . so now after the illusion of a possible £1000 day profit . before even playing real money , i know that at best i will only keep 7 - 10% of my profits IF I DONT GO BUST. deposited 70 quid real money , books n pens ready to record every detail , and im going fast like 120 spins per hour , hours on end , . i got 2900 spins befoe my first loss switching to odd even halfway through a losing pattern develop. i got up to 500 quid in just over a week , but after this week , i started to notice my sucess fading . you can deffo see that it copies your pattern . it is so predictable that you can predictt the next move because its doing the total opposite of your own pattern to catch you out . like a mirror image . so you can get 15 or 16 wins in a row, but then they change pattern to catch a differnt pattern out . after my sucess faded i started using sly , smart randomnes with 118 1936 O E bk rd AND RECORDED THE LOT .. and with all this data at hand , its so clear to see that a mirror image of my betting patterns were coming to get me , now with randomness , there is no system , no sucess , and eventually my randomness fell victim and i had 3 max losses in the same day i dropped from 500 to 230 so i ran off with my money before i lost my initial 70 quid . bottom line = deffo records patterns , if you record , it will be on record , so like me you can record it recording you , make sense ???
Has you tried recording at a live casino? or a live online casino? would be interesting i think first you need to acertain the likleness of a 10 x black streak etc and then compare this to a virtual roulette table
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