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PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday


PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday  

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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday

Aye, sorry You just caught me during my lucky stint there Expecting poison in tonight's dinner tomorrow morning
ahem, did manage to serve it up before midnight. :ok Not only beaten HU by my better half but then had to drive 3 miles up the road to make his tea! :tongue2 2nd place gets the seat when someone's already got one, yes? Thought not. :lol Well done to runadrum for withholding a seat with a second victory tonight. :clap Will do table and finalise seat winners when I've eaten. :D
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday Congatulations to runadrum who is champion of the Wednesday league. :clap Staffy bags the Wednesday spoon. :ok As predicted, Washman is the lucky loser of this league as well, so as discussed, the extra seat is passed down to the next highest scorer in either league. The spreadsheet as displayed rounds the scores so whereas it looks like we have a tie between staffy and RIVRD both on 161 points (best laid plans eh...:lol) the raw scores are: staffy -

therefore by a whisker, the seat goes to staffy. :ok So the finalists for Sunday are: runadrum (2 wins) goater14 Milber morlspin heniek31 Lars glennop Washman staffy Good luck :drums
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday

Welcome to G Poker Customer Services! blue.gif I am sorry to keep you waiting, one of our advisors will be with you shortly. blue.gif You are next in queue... blue.gif Chris has joined this session! blue.gif Connected with Chris. Your Reference Number for this chat is 173217. Chris: Hello staffy, my name is Chris. How can I help you today? staffy: i came onto live chat the other day about my $55 gukpt ticket I won which is useless it should hasve been £55 not $. It was on a private tourny with punterslounge. we have all had problems everyone else has had theres changed Chris: It was me you spoke to staffy: ok Chris: I am very sorry but I am still waiting for the manager to get back to me Chris: I have just chased him up for you staffy: ok but someone has had theres changed today Chris: But I think that he may be on holiday this week which may explain the delay, very sorry about that staffy: sorry not happy with that someone had theres changed today Chris: I am not sure who that would be, how do you know that for a fact? staffy: because he is a moderator on www.punterslounge.com and a trustworthy friend Chris: There have been only 2 people and chat today, me and my colleague, and he has not credited this himself, not have I Chris: not sure what happened there Chris: unless he did it over the phone? Chris: anyway no worries Chris: I will not delay you further Chris: I will turn it into real cash for you staffy: ok thank you staffy: is that $55 or £55 Chris: $55 Chris: so you will get £25.61 Chris: ****£35.61 staffy: sorry not accepting that i won £55 ticket Chris: my mistake Chris: you should be able to see it now Chris: £55 is now in your account Chris: that is £, not $ Chris: Is there anything else I can help you with today? staffy: no that is all thanks
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday Re the incorrect tickets....David the Poker Manager is dealing with this now, i met him on thursday and this should be sorted tomorrow. Re the main event prize, again, should be contacted tomorrow Re this months events......should begin from wednesday coming but ill get it confirmed again, in the morning:ok

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