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Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?


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I am a little bit upset with myself tonight, because I made a stupid mistake which made my good play be for nothing. Hate being a bubble boy. Now I wonder... is there a good way to cool down? I normally take a break and start doing something else, like watch some TV or something like that. But when I do that I stay away for an hour or more. Is there a faster way? What do you guys do to cool down when you're a bit upset about your game?

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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down? I play 6-8 tables at once, and if I do something stupid I think through what I should have done, if I get a beat I laugh it off, and I moved onto the next hand at the next table. A while ago I heard someone say "Why tilt, when you could just not tilt?" And as ridiculously simple as it sounds, everytime I feel like I might be about to tilt I just think of that phrase. That is not to say I never tilt, but I do it very rarely these days (compared to often before), I also play exclusivley MTTs now so I can't spew off a few cash buy-ins on tilt.

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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?

I play 6-8 tables at once, and if I do something stupid I think through what I should have done, if I get a beat I laugh it off, and I moved onto the next hand at the next table. A while ago I heard someone say "Why tilt, when you could just not tilt?" And as ridiculously simple as it sounds, everytime I feel like I might be about to tilt I just think of that phrase. That is not to say I never tilt, but I do it very rarely these days (compared to often before), I also play exclusivley MTTs now so I can't spew off a few cash buy-ins on tilt.
For me it's rare to tilt too, though one of my greatest comeback was when I was on tilt (think I won like a dozen all in's) :tongue2 But imagine something unbelievable happens and you can't help it, you're outraged. You're still on several tables, and need to cool down asap. What works for you? Drink whisky? Smoke a joint? Ask your GF/wife to "help" relieve some tension? Play a Shooter in the background and murder some "virtual" people? Smash your monitor? Go outside for a few sec and kick a tree? Listen to some angry music and sing along? Do some yoga? *I just came up with these ideas, haven't tried all of them :tongue2
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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?

I sit out a hand or two when I recognize I tend to go on tilt But what help me a lot, is I am knitting, no joke, helps me to stay patience, specially in long tourney or deep stacks
Hmm... Maybe I should give knitting a chance :D
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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?

For me it's rare to tilt too, though one of my greatest comeback was when I was on tilt (think I won like a dozen all in's) :tongue2 But imagine something unbelievable happens and you can't help it, you're outraged. You're still on several tables, and need to cool down asap. What works for you? Drink whisky? Smoke a joint? Ask your GF/wife to "help" relieve some tension? Play a Shooter in the background and murder some "virtual" people? Go outside for a few sec and kick a tree? Listen to some angry music and sing along? Do some yoga? *I just came up with these ideas, haven't tried all of them :tongue2
:lol I honestly just keep on going. If I was angry and then I did something that meant I missed potentially crucial hands on other tables, now that would tilt me. Cash is different, but I don't play that any more, so someone else can answer what they do when they decide to sit out.
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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?

What works for you? Drink whisky? Smoke a joint? Ask your GF/wife to "help" relieve some tension? Play a Shooter in the background and murder some "virtual" people? Go outside for a few sec and kick a tree? Listen to some angry music and sing along? Do some yoga? *I just came up with these ideas, haven't tried all of them :tongue2
I would not suggest the whisky or the joint, could make you to relaxed lol the shooting might be not bad, instead of kicking a tree, why you not get yourself this punching thing which boxers have for training and put in flat music helps defoe, only i recognized if is aggressive movie sometimes it can make your game bit to funny ;) Yoga always good, but do it pregame, as it will otherwise put you on sitout 30 mins - 60 mins
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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down? The easiest tilt preventer for me is a downswing - you really cherish every dollar when not winning. I've just grown numb lately tbh 45 buy-ins below EV this month at different levels of cash across different sites, HUSNGs and super-turbos so i'm just like whatever heading to bustoville then there's nothing worth carrying on for! Haha whatever like anyone cares. ty.

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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down? I never tilt due to ''bad beats'' as they are mathematical variations that you can do little about. My only tilt comes when I know I played a hand stupidly and donked away most of my stack. Next hand, severely short stacked, I have given up and it's all-in to get back in the game. Actually that isn't necessarily a bad tilt as you will get multiple calls when you may be sitting with a premium hand as most will assume you are just getting out of the game quickly. So I'm not so sure I want, or need, to change this at all. :unsure

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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down? Like Dodger, I don't tilt. As far as I remember, I tilted once in few years and it was in one MTT. It never spreads. Can't deny, I get well fuked off after plain stupidity of some players, but if I play 4-5, I just can not afford to go and play stupid in the rest of them. That's what hangs on my conscious. I never do any breaks after bad situations, I just keep going (as Dave said). After few hands I'm pretty much fresh. It's easy for me to say, but after playing thousands of MTTs, you just turn into a robot. Machines don't have feelings :lol. I doubt, something like glass of alcohol or break for few hands makes any difference. You are back to the same table and the same people. And that's no good. Closing all pokers and playing some PC game or getting out of the house might help. I don't know. It has to be much more harder to deal with it in cash, but I don't play cash like some. You have to find a strength within yourself to contain tilt.

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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down? The following applies mainly to cash: I used to tilt pretty bad but it seems to have gone down recently. Just yesterday I got that feeling again after making a few crying calls when I put them on a pretty strong range. I lost of course, and started berating myself for not trusting my gut. I think the best thing to do is just tighten up abit so you're naturally playing less, and stronger opening hands. This should give you ample time to cool down. I no longer tilt when I run into bad beats; as long as I get the money in good I'm fine. I just wait for a good opportunity to get my money back! When I'm not playing too many tables I do watch some youtube videos, maybe that could help too lol.

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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?

I go on tilt all the time, and when I do i like to play online slots to ease the tension. This is quite possibly the worst advice you will ever get anywere.:eyes
:rollin:rollin:rollin It's also good to know what NOT to do while on tilt :ok
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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?

The easiest tilt preventer for me is a downswing - you really cherish every dollar when not winning. I've just grown numb lately tbh 45 buy-ins below EV this month at different levels of cash across different sites, HUSNGs and super-turbos so i'm just like whatever heading to bustoville then there's nothing worth carrying on for! Haha whatever like anyone cares. ty.
Auch, I hate downswings, but even the best players have them. Just don't go to bustoville mate, heard it's a bad place to be :unsure
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Re: Preventing tilt: how do you cool down?

The easiest tilt preventer for me is a downswing - you really cherish every dollar when not winning. I've just grown numb lately tbh 45 buy-ins below EV this month at different levels of cash across different sites, HUSNGs and super-turbos so i'm just like whatever heading to bustoville then there's nothing worth carrying on for! Haha whatever like anyone cares. ty.
Well I certainly care despite never having met you and appearing very negative to a lot of your posts(check all the ones I havent commented on, I agreed with them) Missing your updates in your challenge thread and had assumed that you were on a massive upswing as you have suggested in the past that every time you post your winnings you go on a downswing. Sure you'll sort it out:hope
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