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RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats Request Sold Out


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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats Request Sold Out Decided to play my first sat this afternoon and managed to qualify 1st go :nana so will be playing the 90k later today :hope PokerStars Tournament #293125696, No Limit Hold'em Super Satellite Buy-In: $15.00/$1.50 USD 9 players Total Prize Pool: $135.00 USD Target Tournament #322010571 Buy-In: $55.00 USD 2 tickets to the target tournament Tournament started 2010/07/19 16:57:49 CET [2010/07/19 10:57:49 ET] Dear therivr, You finished the tournament in 1st place. You qualified to play in Tournament #322010571 and are automatically registered for it. See Tournament #322010571 Lobby for further details.

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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats Request Sold Out manage to make the first break sitting 1404/1504 :( had this hand early doors - what do you guys think, right decision to fold ? PokerStars Game #46985784177: Tournament #322010571, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2010/07/19 21:02:00 CET [2010/07/19 15:02:00 ET] Table '322010571 14' 9-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: obywatel_g (2880 in chips) Seat 2: bah23 (2990 in chips) Seat 3: Myxa v Kedax (2970 in chips) Seat 4: m8675309a (3130 in chips) Seat 5: Malac21 (3000 in chips) Seat 6: chr4sh (3000 in chips) Seat 7: Finland-SH (3000 in chips) Seat 8: mrBryne (3030 in chips) Seat 9: therivr (3000 in chips) m8675309a: posts small blind 10 Malac21: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to therivr [Ad Jd] chr4sh: folds Finland-SH: folds mrBryne: folds therivr: raises 60 to 80 obywatel_g: folds bah23: folds Myxa v Kedax: folds m8675309a: calls 70 Malac21: folds *** FLOP *** [Js 8h 7s] m8675309a: bets 111 therivr: raises 111 to 222 m8675309a: raises 333 to 555 therivr: calls 333 *** TURN *** [Js 8h 7s] [Th] m8675309a: bets 555 therivr: calls 555 *** RIVER *** [Js 8h 7s Th] [2d] m8675309a: bets 999 therivr: folds Uncalled bet (999) returned to m8675309a m8675309a collected 2400 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2400 | Rake 0 Board [Js 8h 7s Th 2d] Seat 1: obywatel_g folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: bah23 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Myxa v Kedax (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: m8675309a (small blind) collected (2400) Seat 5: Malac21 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: chr4sh folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Finland-SH folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: mrBryne folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: therivr folded on the River

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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats Request Sold Out Had managed to get myself up to 9k when this hand happened PokerStars Game #46990553754: Tournament #322010571, $50+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2010/07/19 22:37:22 CET [2010/07/19 16:37:22 ET] Table '322010571 14' 9-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: Snoox187 (5630 in chips) Seat 2: N@senPopel (7385 in chips) Seat 3: Sansan28 (11680 in chips) Seat 4: m8675309a (12325 in chips) Seat 5: Bookie1978 (5548 in chips) Seat 6: bigbucki10 (10776 in chips) Seat 7: kqnd (1820 in chips) Seat 8: redhatchet (14424 in chips) Seat 9: therivr (8410 in chips) Snoox187: posts the ante 25 N@senPopel: posts the ante 25 Sansan28: posts the ante 25 m8675309a: posts the ante 25 Bookie1978: posts the ante 25 bigbucki10: posts the ante 25 kqnd: posts the ante 25 redhatchet: posts the ante 25 therivr: posts the ante 25 bigbucki10: posts small blind 125 kqnd: posts big blind 250 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to therivr [Kd Ks] redhatchet: raises 500 to 750 therivr: raises 750 to 1500 Snoox187: folds N@senPopel: folds Sansan28: folds m8675309a: folds Bookie1978: raises 4023 to 5523 and is all-in bigbucki10: folds kqnd: folds redhatchet: folds therivr: calls 4023 *** FLOP *** [7s 2h As] *** TURN *** [7s 2h As] [4s] *** RIVER *** [7s 2h As 4s] [Ac] *** SHOW DOWN *** therivr: shows [Kd Ks] (two pair, Aces and Kings) Bookie1978: shows [Kc Ad] (three of a kind, Aces) Bookie1978 collected 12396 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 12396 | Rake 0 Board [7s 2h As 4s Ac] Seat 1: Snoox187 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: N@senPopel folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Sansan28 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: m8675309a folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: Bookie1978 (button) showed [Kc Ad] and won (12396) with three of a kind, Aces Seat 6: bigbucki10 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 7: kqnd (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 8: redhatchet folded before Flop Seat 9: therivr showed [Kd Ks] and lost with two pair, Aces and Kings :wall:wall down to just over 2k now at the 2nd break so need something fast 651/671

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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats Request Sold Out Just played sat no 3 - what can you do :wall:wall:wall:wall *** SHOW DOWN *** sillybrinyc: shows [4d 4c] (a straight flush, Three to Seven) therivr: shows [3s 3h] (a full house, Threes full of Sevens) sillybrinyc collected 2880 from pot therivr finished the tournament in 9th place

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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats Request Sold Out Couldn.t post earlier as PL was down but managed to qualify for tonights 90k game PokerStars Tournament #294124314, No Limit Hold'em Super Satellite Buy-In: $15.00/$1.50 USD 9 players Total Prize Pool: $135.00 USD Target Tournament #322010574 Buy-In: $55.00 USD 2 tickets to the target tournament Tournament started 2010/07/22 19:52:12 CET [2010/07/22 13:52:12 ET] Dear therivr, You finished the tournament in 1st place. You qualified to play in Tournament #322010574 and are automatically registered for it. See Tournament #322010574 Lobby for further details. If you choose to unregister from this tournament your account will be credited with T-USD 55.00. Tournament US Dollars can be used to buy into any tournament. Visit our web site at http://www.pokerstars.com/poker/tournaments/ for more details.

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Re: RIVRD's Daily 90k Sats Request Sold Out Made it ITM :nana PokerStars Tournament #322010574, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $50.00/$5.00 USD 1944 players Total Prize Pool: $97200.00 USD Tournament started 2010/07/22 21:00:00 CET [2010/07/22 15:00:00 ET] Dear therivr, You finished the tournament in 198th place. A USD 102.06 award has been credited to your Real Money account.

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