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Help: Folded Best Hand - Bad Read


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1.3 NLHE Cash Game. $60 buyin minimum $300 max. Playing at table for approx. 1 hour. My opponent was consistently playing solid hands. When he hits, he normally bets aggressive, including moving all in. Most of his showdowns - he won. My Position: Cutoff His Position: 2 seats to the right of me. He had to act first. I raised preflop - only 2 bets with AK unsuited. This was a pretty aggressive table and I wanted to hide the strength of my hand. I was pretty sure that someone would reraise me preflop, but it didn't happen. 3 callers including my opponenet. Flop - KJ3 - rainbow 2 players checked and my opponent bet 4 bets. I reraised to $40 on top of his $12. He thought about it and he called. The TURN brought 8 (don't remember suit). My opponent moved all in covering me (approximately $80-$90). I couldn't place him on a hand. I thought maybe KJ or a set. He didn't seem concerned about my hand at all, he just appeared strong (which obviously was his motive). I took a very long time to think about it. I even asked him, if I fold, will you show. He said yes (which was probably a clue??) I ended up folding because I had not seen him bluff anyone. Nonetheless, he showed me JQ. He totally bluffed me. I realize that he probably was successful because I played pretty tight until this hand. Can you give me feedback on how I could have detected a bluff? Thanks!

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Re: Help: Folded Best Hand - Bad Read I may be approaching this in the wrong way but i think the main problem for you was your mindset. If he's really over aggressive then basically vs those players the aim is to hit a premium hand and hang on for dear life and in this case top pair top kicker is a big hand on a very dry flop. Also if your intention was to induce him into a bluff - then don't fold when they actually go all in. You did the right things in the hand, but i'm not sure for the right reasons or knew what you exactly expected to achieve. How to improve these things? experience and studying the game.

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Re: Help: Folded Best Hand - Bad Read Thanks so much for your feedback. I agree it was my mindset. I lost focus of my goal, and I started to focus on his actions, and therefore he won. I will never forget this hand and will definitely learn and improve from it.

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Help: Folded Best Hand - Bad Read When i was reading this i thought to myself it looks like a big time bluff which it proved to be by time i finished reading . When you raise pre flop and he only calls that shows his hand is not as strong (espec as you have said he is a very agressive player ) . The hands that he could possibly have that would be ahead you are : > pocket 8s , pockets jacks or king jack . If he had a set he would be prity likely to extract as much money from you as possible so he would be more likely to do value bets with small raises but the all in after the turn is not a move he would make if he had "the nuts" . If he had the King , Jack he would again often try and extract value but with you holding a king and a king on the flop the odds of him having any king has to be low . Hope this has helped , this is only as i see it and people may disagree with me . Goodluck for future :D

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