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Multi Torney Stake request Staked $267 Returned $237 Completed

Burnley Joe

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Re: Multi Torney Stake request SOLD OUT Fck down to 14K Had KQ in BB one raise to 4000 so i flat K 4 7, 4000 bet, i call, then 7 4000 bet i call ( i should have pushed but to be honest knew he had A something) bad play, river A he pushes, i fold, mare. Terrible play

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Re: Multi Torney Stake request SOLD OUT Not so far, i raise to 400 (blinds 50/100) one caller, flop Ak7 i have 10 10 i bet out 700 he calls turn 3 ! I bet 1000 he calls river 5 all different suits, i bet 2000 he calls and shows K3 and says you have only played 1 hand so did not put you on an A !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rather he has AK

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