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TWO new PokerIdol Point Race - $19.5k added!


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Firstly there is the Summer Hand Race. https://www.pokeridol.com/Promotions/summerhandrace/tabid/366/Default.aspx Held between 1st of June to 31st of July. Two separate races for cash and tournament players, with tickets given away to our Malta Madness event (www.maltamadness.com). Secondly, our new MONTHLY point race now has NO QUALIFICATION. Quite simply, the top point earns from a period will win great cash prizes, from $1500 for first all the way to $10 for 100th. https://www.pokeridol.com/Promotions/13krace/tabid/367/Default.aspx Good luck guys! New players remember, use referral code 'plounge' (without commas) when signing up!

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