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SAT 22nd 9pm circus poker bounty tourney


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Dont have a clue what this is all about but by my reckoning its a £25 buy in tourney with a bounty who's value is at least £175 and there were only 9 players in the last one. (Sure Helen can work it out:\) When the action heats up in the UEFA Champions League the excitement grows at the Circus Poker tables.

We’re running a Bounty Hunt during Wednesday’s Champions League games – and every goal scored on the pitch means more money on our bounty’s head! Make sure you register now for your chance to win the prize. Our Champions League Bounty Hunt tournament starts at 9pm (UK time) on Wednesday, 17th March. The buy-in is just £25 and the prize is £25 for every goal scored in Wednesday’s Champions League matches. There’ll be further tournaments on every Champions League Wednesday until the end of the season – and goals from English teams count double in the quarter-final, semi-final and final matches. From the semi-final stage onwards the bounty goes up to £50 per goal scored - £100 for each goal from an English team. Then for the 2010 UEFA Champions League Final on Saturday, 22nd May, the bounty will be a huge £100 per goal scored – £200 if it’s an English team hitting the back of the net. Register now – then log on at 9pm on Champions League Wednesdays and make our bounty your goal! Here’s the Champions League Bounty Hunt schedule in full:
  • 9pm Wednesday, 17th March Round of 16 second leg matches Bounty £25 per goal
  • 9pm Wednesday, 31st March Quarter-final first leg matches Bounty £25 per goal - £50 per English team goal
  • 9pm Wednesday, 7th April Quarter-final second leg matches Bounty £25 per goal - £50 per English team goal
  • 9pm Wednesday, 21st April Semi-final first leg match Bounty £50 per goal - £100 per English team goal
  • 9pm Wednesday, 28th April Semi-final second leg match Bounty £50 per goal - £100 per English team goal
  • 9pm Saturday, 22nd May Champions League Final Bounty £100 per goal - £200 per English team goal
It’s a Champions League Bounty Roll Over 8 players (plus Waldorf1) took part in the Champions League Bounty tournament, which thanks to Arsenal’s remarkable comeback against Barcelona, saw a tidy £175 bounty on Waldorf1’s head. So with a total prize pool of £375, clearly one or two Circus Poker players were going to get a great return on their £27.50 investment...weren’t they....well...actually.....no. Despite playing the tournament on the train with a very patchy wifi connection, Waldorf1 ripped through the field, knocking players out left right and centre, personally responsible for eliminating 5 of the 8 other players. Yes luck played it’s part, a couple of All Ins were marginal (dodgy) calls when you looked at the cards, but were done with plenty of chips left behind, and after all, we wanted a game on! After 1 hour 23 minutes it was down to two players, the amusingly named hamsteryx, and our hero, Waldorf1. It didn’t last long. Waldorf1 was a 3:1 chip leader over hamsteryx and when hamsteryx went over the top of Waldorf1s minimum raise with a 6k all in shove, Waldorf Kc7c was never a bad enough hand to lay down. Hamsteryx showed As 4c, so was mildly in front, but the flop of 7h 8h 3d, soon put paid to that. 8s and 6c on the turn and river failed to help hamsertyx and the game was over. So....on 7th April the next Champions League Bounty Tournament will start with a £175 bounty! Don’t miss it. Terms and conditions
  1. Circus Poker Champions League Bounty Hunt tournaments take place on 17th March, 31st March, 7th April, 21st April, 28th April and 22nd May
  2. Waldorf1 is the bounty player and is permitted to win money, therefore he’ll be playing properly, so watch out.
  3. The bounty on Waldorf1’s head is multiplied by the number of goals scored in the UEFA Champions League matches played on that date. Goals by English teams count double. Own goals count. Penalty shoot-out goals do not count.
  4. The bounty is £25 for 17th and 31st March and 7th April.
  5. The bounty is £50 for 21st and 28th April (semi finals)
  6. The bounty is £100 for 22nd May (final)
  7. So if Manchester United beat Arsenal in the Champions League Final on 22nd May, by 3 goals to 2, the bounty paid out on that day will be £100 multiplied by 5 multiplied by 2 = £1000, and Waldorf1 will be a very happy man!
  8. In the event of the bounty being knocked out in a hand with more than one player, the winner of the hand will win the bounty.
  9. In the event of the bounty being knocked out by two or more players who have the same hand, the winner of the bounty will be the player who started the hand with the most chips.
  10. In the event of Waldorf1 winning the tournament, the bounty will roll over to the following tournament
  11. General T&cs apply see Circuspoker.co.uk

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