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Is an overlay always worth taken?


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Been thinking about tournaments where there is an overlay. Mathematically it's always a good idea to play, but i am interested in your opinions. Given that you feel comfortable with the buy-in (of course), how much of an overlay would you consider "good enough"? You can measure overlay in terms of money, but it seems better to think in terms of buy-ins. For example, i saw some hour ago at Betfair that they had a $5,000 gtd MTT with a $50 buy-in. Only 89 entrants in the end, so the overlay was 11 buy-ins ($550). How would you reason about that? Consider that compared to a $1 buyin $1000 gtd MTT where there are 998 entrants (an extreme example). I wouldn't be thinking it to be worth it, but that's partially because of the small value in the overlay ($1) Give me your thoughts :drums

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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken? The bigger the overlay in terms of $$$ is good enough for me no matter the amount of players:ok In relation to the buy in uhhhh this can get confusing. Basically im not fussy any tournament showing an overlay is fine by me;)

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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken? In the betfair tourney if you multiply the buyins and rake by 89 you get 4895 so there is just $105 of added value, divided by 89 thats not much more than a $ each. So for $55 your getting a $56 buyin, not worth staying out of the pub for. What your really looking for is added value these days as gtd tournies nearly always meet their gt. Any one remember the sporting odds $10k gtd with a $25 buyin that only got 20 odd runners? Them were the days.

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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken?

In the betfair tourney if you multiply the buyins and rake by 89 you get 4895 so there is just $105 of added value' date=' divided by 89 thats not much more than a $ each. So for $55 your getting a $56 buyin[/quote'] Is this really how you should reason? The 89 people have contributed 89 x $50 = $4450 to the pot. Why should i care about the rake they paid? So how i see it, there is $5000 - $4450 = $550 extra in the pot, and you can view this as "added money"?
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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken?

You could, but even then divided by the field size thats $6 each or 10% added. I would look for tournies with 50%+ added before getting excited.
Ok so it comes down to wether you should divide the added value or not. But 50%+ ?? They can't come around too often can they? :unsure
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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken?

Ok so it comes down to wether you should divide the added value or not. But 50%+ ?? They can't come around too often can they? :unsure
The poker mag buy in tournies have had that kind of overlay and you still find the odd small skin site exclusive. But things like poker leagues have that kind of added when you add the final prizes onto the buyins during the series. Any Way Hen and Burnley Joe will help you out, not much gets past them;)
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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken?

Is this really how you should reason? The 89 people have contributed 89 x $50 = $4450 to the pot. Why should i care about the rake they paid? So how i see it, there is $5000 - $4450 = $550 extra in the pot, and you can view this as "added money"?
Its not the rake they paid its the rake you pay thats the problem.
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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken?

Why was this moved to poker chat? It is a tournament discussion :unsure
Wasn't me who moved it, but seems you are having a discussion/chat about tournaments in general so I think it belongs in here. :ok At what point do you view a freeroll as worth the time playing? Rule of thumb for putting something in the diary used to be $1 value per player, but they are pretty scarce now, so I'll generally put it in if it's over 50c (though wouldn't necessarily play it myself).
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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken? I calculate overlay in exactly the same way as Glceud - it's total cost to me compared to total value of prize pool to me, so in the example given it is $55 v $56 - $1 added. Only other comment - any added value on Full Tilt (and some Boss sites) is usually worth avoiding if you're on rakeback - the added value is deducted from your Monthly Gross Rake - so you pay for the overlay. I've played "freerolls" on Boss that I later found out cost me over $10 to play! The best ones I remember were the Mansion ones - cant remember the numbers, but they were daily, quite a large buy in ($109?) and massive added value - this was when they were relatively new, with their own software (I think :unsure) and looking to expand/grow liquidity quicky.

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Re: Is an overlay always worth taken?

The best ones I remember were the Mansion ones - cant remember the numbers' date=' but they were daily, quite a large buy in ($109?) and massive added value - this was when they were relatively new, with their own software (I think :unsure) and looking to expand/grow liquidity quicky.[/quote'] They had half a dozen crackers a day, remember you in the lunchish time $10 buy in 1k gtd that averaged 20 runners.( pre PL days for me) All buy ins funded by their $500(or was it a $1000) free bet for everyone on some American football match, The glory days of online gambling! Not talking to them at the moment as they still havent sent my £20 prize from the cash and carry tourny 3 months ago:\
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