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Raising P/f Oop


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Ive been re reading Harrington on holdem books,its been a while since i read them, he advices to raise more aggresive PF OOP with a good hand, ive never felt comfortable with this, ok i will raise with a good hand but would rather be in position after the flop,and will be more aggresive in LP with hands like AK , anyone think this is bad play

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Re: Raising P/f Oop Well for hands like AK u need raise em up no point limping or weak raising u only want to be involved with 1 or 2 opponents.AK don't really hold up well with alot in pot need weed out the suited connectors pre flop and that goes for other premium hands also.

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Re: Raising P/f Oop

Aggressiveness can win a hand, so can (late) position. if you don't have late position, you should raise more to counter the inherit weakness of your position.
yes thats what ive read and i assume players a lot better than me do this, i wont limp with a good hand but try to keep the pot smaller till i see the flop. i suppose i am a using pot contol a bit too early.:\
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Re: Raising P/f Oop With AK utg, i'll raise substantially, like 5 x BB. I want one opponent or just take it down uncontested. Of course i'll mix it up depending on circumstances. With, for example, a very aggressive player with position on me, i might just limp-raise/limp-shove.

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