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Rush hand


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So I just had a 200 hand or so play around on Rush. Bit hard to make any conclusions but it seems to play more aggro postflop than I would expect from 5NL. Maybe someone who has played more hands can confirm/disagree with that? Thought I'd add a reasonably standard yet interesting situation for a bit more content. Villain is unknown so I'm not sure a 3bet pre is going to get much value from worse so I flat. Then villain cbets - most villains are cbetting 100% here. Even against UTG I think we've got too much equity to fold? So call or raise and why? Full Tilt Poker $5.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked.com UTG: $5.00 MP: $3.58 CO: $5.49 BTN: $3.76 SB: $2.92 Hero (BB): $13.45 Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is BB with :Qh: :Ah: UTG raises to $0.15, 4 folds, Hero calls $0.10 Flop: ($0.32) :Kd: :4d: :Ts: (2 players) Hero checks, UTG bets $0.20

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Re: Rush hand I'm looking at this situation for the benchmarkers in NL10 rush. I've applied the following filters in HEM: NL10 Rush - 6-max Postion: Big Blind Facing: 1 Raiser Position of first Raiser: UTG Preflop action: Call Flop Actions: Check (just Check first and then all of them after) Players on Flop: 2 Popeye: Villain cbets 22 out of 26 times Charlie Brown: Villain cbets 13 out of 20 times Eeyore: Villain cbets 8 out of 9 times Combined: Villain cbets 43 out of 55 times I wasn't convinced that the villain cbets as often as you thought - but they definitely cbet more often than I expected :ok

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Re: Rush hand

Even against UTG I think we've got too much equity to fold? So call or raise and why?
If I'm honest, i think I usually fold here - I have 3 cards to the nuts which would make me very happy, but I also have quite a few hands that might look good, but (especially being out of position) could just cost me a lot of money before I find out where I am - other than the nuts, nothing leaves me feeling especially confident in this hand and able to win a big pot. What I think I do differently is to 3bet pre flop - I hate just calling when I'm out of position post flop.
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Re: Rush hand I would think if you had the sample size to filter they would cbet this board close to 100% GaF. Fair enough its got a FD and some straight draws but its also K T high so a bet will fold out most PPs and air hands. If we can flat AQs and then check fold unless we make a pair or a FD I don't think it will be +ev. We've got ~35% equity against KQo on that flop. Perhaps at 5NL 3betting with the intention of folding to a 4bet is going to work out because a lot of villain's will call too much preflop but will only 4bet when we're beat. My first reaction is not to 3bet because I don't want to fold out hands like KQ, AJ and if I get 4bet I lose all the value in my hand. That being said if you don't feel playing OOP will be +ev then you're not losing value. It must be possible to play AQs OOP profitably here though.

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Re: Rush hand The question seems to be are we strong enough to call a cbet on the flop? If we're too weak to check call then can we check raise profitably? I've just looked at it quickly but we probably have about 20% equity against a likely calling range. Lets assume if we raise and get called then we check fold every brick turn and the villain bets every time we check. If we raise to $1 we still only need a fold ~60% of the time from the villain.

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