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Cbetting A high on paired boards


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Thought it might be interesting to try and generate a bit of discussion. I've heard arguments for an against this and intrigued to see what you all think. I'm fairly certain that it can go either way depending on the villain. Prima Network €100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players BTN: €181.48 SB: €39.06 BB: €193.51 UTG: €100.00 Hero (CO): €101.50 Pre Flop: (€1.50) Hero is CO with :Qd: :Ah: 1 fold, Hero raises to €3, 2 folds, BB calls €2 Flop: (€6.50) :7c: :Jd: :Jh: (2 players) BB checks... So if you cbet why do you cbet and if you don't why don't you? How would that change depending on the villain?

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Re: Cbetting A high on paired boards I used to cbet too often - now I dont think I cbet enough - I dont know whether I'm coming or going with a cbet any more!! However my thoughts..... With no information on the villain, and with no information on my reputation at the table (I know - lets assume it's rush poker :ok), then against 1 opponent, in the BB, on a paired board, I throw out a cbet. You're in the cut off, which is a stealing position, so villain could be calling pretty wide (though calling is :puke). The likelihood is that a paired flop (rainbow) hasn't helped him or improved his hand - if you were ahead pre flop, then you're probably still ahead. If he has a pocket pair , then you have a few outs and can probably take a free card on the turn as you have position. If I get reraised, I'm out of the hand. If he calls and bets the turn (a good sized bet) and I havent improved, I'm out of the hand. If he calls and checks the turn, and I havent improved, I take the free card (effective stacks are just over 100xBB, so I dont want to build too big a pot). With information on my opponents - I'd definitely be more reluctant to cbet if he has a history of check raising. Against 2 opponents, I'd almost never cbet here.

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Re: Cbetting A high on paired boards Both checking and cbetting is fine. You have good showdown value with the virtual nut air and good equity with 6outs and backdoor draws so whatever you do can't be bad. The pot's so small it's not really an important spot. Would i cbet? Depends on my opponent, if they have a low fold to cbet i'd cbet it more, if they have a high bet OOP on turns i'd check more, if they're a monkey i cbet more to get more in when ahead, if they're a tight reg they rarely call with worse.

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Re: Cbetting A high on paired boards Should have probably given a few different villains as its so villain specific. Just from what you said Nade I was thinking say a villain folds to cbets 75% over a massive sample and we know bluff us enough to call bets if we check back. We should surely be betting even though its theoretically wrong because we're not getting called by worse or folding out better we're folding out hands that have decent equity against us. Basically just collecting dead money.

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Re: Cbetting A high on paired boards Against someone who folds to cbets 75% of times we absolutely should cbet here and cbet 100% of our range as they're folding way too much so we can exploit that by cbetting every time. We have Ace high, we're happy to pick up the pot.

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Re: Cbetting A high on paired boards Against a 75% fold to cbet villain over a decent sample size, I am definitely cbetting 100% of the time in this spot given that there were no recent dynamics that would lead him to call me down lighter.

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