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Double or Nothing AQo - Shove?


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6 of us left, 5 win money. 1 micro stack, me and one other short stacked. I'm first to act - do I shove? (EDIT: Have been multi-tabling so no real reads. I've been playing fairly aggressively - for those who don't know me, that's three times as aggressive as the majority of players. For those who do know me, that's about a third as aggressive as normal.) PokerStars Game #42506981491: Tournament #261875137, $10.00+$0.40 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2010/04/11 16:04:41 WET [2010/04/11 11:04:41 ET] Table '261875137 1' 10-max Seat #3 is the button Seat 1: denzel013 (2510 in chips) Seat 3: skejtak (7175 in chips) Seat 5: djalfe (855 in chips) Seat 6: Bremen82 (3310 in chips) Seat 7: JadedJ (835 in chips) Seat 8: jader101 (315 in chips) denzel013: posts the ante 40 skejtak: posts the ante 40 djalfe: posts the ante 40 Bremen82: posts the ante 40 JadedJ: posts the ante 40 jader101: posts the ante 40 djalfe: posts small blind 200 Bremen82: posts big blind 400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to JadedJ [Qs Ac]

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Re: Double or Nothing AQo - Shove? Fold for me - you have the whole table to go through and you dont need to win any more hands if jader101 is eliminated on his big blind in 2 hands. Bremen82 (the BB) can afford to call you with any 2 cards if everyone else folds to him. (and probably should do)

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