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RealDeal poker.com 18/04 7pm

i'm lucky

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http://www.pokereuropaonline.com/pdfs/aprill2010/RealDeal.pdf €1,650 seat in the Montesino Grand Prix from May 5th to 8th with a shot at the estimated €100,000 plus first prize. Hotel accommodation for two at the four star ROOMZ HOTEL three minutes walk from the poker room. A €300 Travel allowance. AND THE OTHER PRIZES ARE: Runner up: €200 in tournament vouchers* 3rd: €100 in tournament vouchers 4th – 6th: €50 tournament vouchers 7th-10th : €25 tournament vouchers (*The tournament vouchers can be used for any of RealDealPoker’s regular online competitions) Good Luck.
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Re: RealDeal poker.com 18/04 7pm Real Deal Poker – The Hope Diamond of internet poker delayed. by Tom Dwyer on April 11, 2010 What do you think of when I mention the Hope Diamond? A perfect, priceless beauty is what comes to mind for this guy. Why would I mention the Hope Diamond in the same sentence as Real Deal Poker? I’ll tell you, but first a lesson. What is the Hope diamond? (You’re kidding me right?) The Hope Diamond is a large, 45.52 carats (9.10 g), deep-blue diamond that’s housed in the Smithsonian natural history museum in Washington, D.C. For more information and images hit this link. Hope-Diamond.jpg Hope Diamond http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hope_Diamond Pretty cool right? The point I’m trying to make is this: When making something SPECIAL, something as huge as Real Deal Poker (To online poker players anyways) it takes a lot of talent, precision and yes, sadly… TIME. Real Deal Poker has had some delays and we know all of you are frustrated. WE ALL WANT THIS SITE! Just know this, None of the delays are because of the RealDeal crew, all delays came from companies that supplied gaming software and even the government “powers that be” slowed things down with their handling of the regulations/testing of this all new real card delivery system. Seems they never had to TEST something “Real”. (They were a little stuck in the RNG way of thinking, It’s all they had to test up until now!) For anyone new to the Real Deal Poker story, give a read to all the posts here on RealDealPokerNews. Real Deal Online poker will get it’s action (Flop, turns and rivers) from an actual deck of playing cards. I’m on my fourth year of covering Real Deal Poker and I’m frustrated too, but because of what I know, (The behind the scenes stuff.) I know in the end it was the right thing for Mr Gioia to do. When you are working with something so precious, something that makes history, you take your time and you do it right! The Hope Diamond of the online poker world is coming. if it’s one week, hell even one month from now. . . Think about it, It’s still coming! If you have any questions for myself or Gene Gioia, you can post them on the RealDealPokerForums.

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