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Hi everyone says two overs against a pair is a coinflip but can someone tell me what two sets of cards are closest to a 50/50 preflop im guessing somthing like 22 vs 89 suited. Also can someone tell me what the most onesided preflop hand is again im guessing something like A7os vs AA.

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Re: Coinflip? 22 v 89s seems to give you odds in favour of the 89s. The nearest I can get to 50-50 (in just a couple of minutes) has been :2h: :2s: v :Qd: :Jc: which is 50.206% 49.794% :Ah: :As: v :Ad: :7s: is 93.643% v 6.357% If you havent got it, download a copy of Pokerstove :ok

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Re: Coinflip? You're pretty close there but 22 v 89s is roughly a 47-53 matchup while 22 is just a 0.2% favourite over AKs (50.1-49.9%) Did some stoving regarding your other question and the most lopsided one I got after 3 minutes was KK v K2o: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 05.373% 04.62% 00.76% 2846160 466170.00 { K2o } Hand 1: 94.627% 93.87% 00.76% 57864444 466170.00 { KK }

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