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How would you play these PLO flops?

billy the punter

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Hand A You're in cut-off with AdQdTc9c. Couple of callers before you, you call. Button makes it £32 to play. Both callers call, as do you. Flop comes 8d7d5c. Check, check, check (you), button bets pot (£135). Fold, fold. It's to you. You have £750. He has about £1000 behind. How do you play it? Hand B Few callers, and you call on the button with As7s6c5h. BB raises the pot. About £40 to play. One player calls, as do you. Flop comes Ah 4s 3s. BB bets the pot (£120). Middle player passes. On to you. You have around £1500, he has slightly more. How do you play it? :ok

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Re: How would you play these PLO flops? First of all, that's not the stake I play (presume it's a cash game), so difficult for me to say. However, on paper. As they say, bet your big draws hard in PLO, no brainer here with monster draws you have, re raise the pot. In this moment, if the guy is good player, he should pass AA, KK. If he has 88,77, he is lucky, but you can still easily have him toasted. Second hand is very tricky. You don't hold much of the hand after the flop. Bottom straight and very low flush draw. For me, not being extremely aggressive in PLO, it's a fold :unsure.

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Re: How would you play these PLO flops? My PLO skills are far from legendary, but in both you have the nut flush and top end of the straight draws, as well as top pair. As Hen says it is deemed good strategy to bet big draws, and that you definitely have. I would raise in the former case, call in the latter.:unsure

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Re: How would you play these PLO flops?

First of all, that's not the stake I play (presume it's a cash game), so difficult for me to say. However, on paper. As they say, bet your big draws hard in PLO, no brainer here with monster draws you have, re raise the pot. In this moment, if the guy is good player, he should pass AA, KK. If he has 88,77, he is lucky, but you can still easily have him toasted. Second hand is very tricky. You don't hold much of the hand after the flop. Bottom straight and very low flush draw. For me, not being extremely aggressive in PLO, it's a fold :unsure.
Personally I don't think the stakes matter. I put the stack sizes in for another reason, to get a better feel of the situation, not necessarily make it look a tough game. In the 2nd hand mate, we have the nut flush draw and a big straight draw, our hand is better than it is in hand 1 isn't it? :ok
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Re: How would you play these PLO flops? I'd curse the software for the lobby jumping around so much it caused me to open a PLO table by mistake :) (seriously, it's just taken me a good 5 minutes to realise we don't have a made straight yet in Hand B :eyes Aren't they both situations where you should be re-potting the villain? Monster draws + fold equity.....

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Re: How would you play these PLO flops? I'd be willing to stack off in the first hand Bill by check raising the pot. The scond hand you have an even bigger monster draw so I'd want to get as much money in on the flop again so I'd put a near to pot size bet in.

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Re: How would you play these PLO flops? For me the key issues here are position (as always when playing a draw) and the stack sizes.

Hand A You're in cut-off with AdQdTc9c. Couple of callers before you, you call. Button makes it £32 to play. Both callers call, as do you. Flop comes 8d7d5c. Check, check, check (you), button bets pot (£135). Fold, fold. It's to you. You have £750. He has about £1000 behind. How do you play it?
I'm not passing here obviously, but do I want to call £135 (almost 20% of my stack) and then play the turn and river out of position? The turn is tricky to play whether I hit or not, for different reasons obviously. Being out of position and the fact I only have £750 I think the re-pop is the best play. As hen says, I good play should pass AA or KK, whilst this is true I don't think I am up against AA or KK here. I good player won't even be betting AA or KK here in the first place. I totally eliminated an over pair so I was prepared to be called here, I could be up against a made hand already. Or I could be called my a hand where I am in great shape. I re-raised the pot and made it £540. He put me all in.
Hand B Few callers, and you call on the button with As7s6c5h. BB raises the pot. About £40 to play. One player calls, as do you. Flop comes Ah 4s 3s. BB bets the pot (£120). Middle player passes. On to you. You have around £1500, he has slightly more. How do you play it? :ok
Although the hands are similar (straight already on board but I have flush and bigger straight draws) I think they can be played differently. Even though I have a bigger draw here. Like I said, I think that position and stak sizes are key. I have position here and the bet is less than 10% of my stack. For me it's the opposite of the first hand - I don't think there is any need to make this pot overly big. I have the luxury of the button. Once it's heads up, trip aces are a possibility for his hand, he could've even fluked a straight. Either way I may not have fold equitity here, if I raise I may be getting it all on the flop here - I don't think that is beneficial givin my position, the pot-size at thist time and my stack, risk-reward an' all that. Also if it does go all-in on the flop, it's impossible for me to be in "great" shape. If I get called, we're racing, racing for all my stack for what wasn't that big a pot. I just called the £120. Thanks for the thoughts, still after more obviously. Agree/disagree? Etc. :ok
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Re: How would you play these PLO flops?

Billy - is this shot handed or full, t'internets or live? ..also why have you only got 4 cards get on the 6 card bus dude!
I know! 4-cards, kids game. :lol Full game, we may've been 8-handed for these hands, can't quite remember. 8 or 9 handed for definite. And was live.
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