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PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March


PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Final Table has been updated in post 1. AvonGirl just misses out on a final place (A top 2 finish was required to beat glceud). Congrats to RIVRD and Dodger who qualified for the final automatically by finishing in the top 2 places. Also, congrats to FUNKYB31 and glceud who join the others in the final after finishing 4th and 7th in the league respectively. Also, a special mention to lastime1 who was the eventual winner of the league, very well done!! :clap This gives us a high quality final of the following players: lastime1 McG Mad Duke FUNKYB31 Dodger RIVRD glceud runadrum morlspin RB Hard to pick a winner there but I'm gona stick my neck out and say RB for the win! :D Thanks to everyone who has played this month and good luck to the finalists next week. :ok p.s. thank goodness there is no wooden spoon anymore! :$

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Well done all(unlucky Helen:sad). Big well done to lastime1 winning the league at his first attempt in a pl comp, only problem is I'm getting drunk with him on Sat night:puke,Just have to keep reminding him who taught him the finer points of the game.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Well done all the qualifiers, should be a good game next week. :ok I make it Scotland - 3: North of England - 6: South -1 :lol

This gives us a high quality final of the following players: lastime1 McG Mad Duke FUNKYB31 Dodger RIVRD glceud runadrum morlspin RB
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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Thanks Avongirl. :ok i see the names are on virgin for final table tomorrow. are we not meant to pay 5 euro to enter, if so how do we go about it. Hey glceud! u see my shiney trophey :nana good luck to everyone tomorrow.

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