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PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March


PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March  

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Table updated in post 1. Congrats to RB and Mad Duke who join morlspin and Lastime1 in qualifying for the final. Well played all again and thanks to everyone who played, let's see more players next week in order to keep this added value coming! :hope

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Table updated in post 1. Well done to McG and Runadrum, tonight's qualifiers for the final. :clap Thanks to everyone who played. However a very disappointing turnout tonight with only 18 players. I should have made it 19 but fell asleep and missed registration :$, however we really need more runners in order for Virgin to keep offering the added value so please let's all turn out in force next week, remember, if you finish in the top 2 you will qualify for the 10-runner final which has €100 Added!!!

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March virgin17mar10.jpg I think I used up most of my positive variance for 2010 in the one tournament tonight. :$ Some spectacular wins against the odds pale into insignificance when compared to me calling Al's bet of 675 (blinds at 75/150) from the Big Blind with KhJh (I did have a big stack, and (oh so wrongly) put Al on a mid-pair). Flop of AhAcKc, so I checked and Al put in a pot-sized bet. Backing my instinct, and knowing that he wouldn't bet an Ace :loon, I shoved over the top, expecting him to fold his inferior pair :ok WRONG :spank He called and turned over AsQs, so I'm drawing thinner than a very thin thing indeed - running Hearts or both Kings. Miraculously, both of the case Kings came on the turn and river, and Al was out :puke

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March there you see, some people think they know my game,shit,even i dont know my game. but this happens so often to me (and i dare say everyone else as well), another bit where if you have big chips call any preflop raise and flop raise,you will win no matter what. well done mate,maybe you might just buy me a pint when we meet :ok

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March

RONG :spank He called and turned over AsQs, so I'm drawing thinner than a very thin thing indeed - running Hearts or both Kings. Miraculously, both of the case Kings came on the turn and river, and Al was out :puke
How I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in Al's house when the 4th king came! :loon
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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Don't forget the final league game tonight guys. Only 4 in at the moment. Let's get around 25/30 runners tonight! :hope Remember, there's €25 added to tonight's game and the top 2 will progress to the €100 Added final next week. If anyone needs the password post up and the mods will send it straight away.

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Wow! Thought I was going to do the double (having won the betfair game). Heads up against Rivrd I felt I was on top for much of the way...but 67 (although one was suited!) lost big pots twice and Rivrd took down the match. Terrible result for the Yorkshire supporters as 3 in the last 4 made it look a good bet...but Rivrd had different ideas! Well done all cashers :clap:clap Bring on the final! :unsure

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Re: PL Exclusive - Virgin Poker League - Starts Wed 3rd March Yeah, I blame McG. :rollin Well played Yorkshire, and Rivrd. :clap Didn't realise I was in with a chance of a league place so waiting on final scores with baited breath now. (Trust it to be the one that I'm not doing. :eyes)

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