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Reacting to a pre-flop shove


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I haven't played much cash recently, but have been dabbling at 25/50c on Pacific full ring NLHE, and doing pretty well. One thing I have noticed is a lot of players when they have 20-30 BB in front of them (whether by design or loss) tend to throw it in pre-flop. I know this is a popular idea amongst certain players, but i am looking for advice on how to play against it. Last night with $60 in front I called an all in from UTG+2 for $13. I had KK so seemed an obvious call. He had A7s and hit. It happens....a lot:tongue2. My question is what hand would you have called with and what would you fold with. I had only been on the table for 10 minutes, seen nothing of note from anyone, and have no tracking software to assist me? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Steve

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Re: Reacting to a pre-flop shove The full ring regs will be able to give a better answer than me but IMO if to call a quarter of your stack i'd be doing it with pairs 77+ and AJ+. Depends what position you are compared to the shover though, your calling range should be tigher the more people left to act but can expect a bad shortstacker to be shoving KJ+ maybe TJs.

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Re: Reacting to a pre-flop shove Nade has it spot on. I think we had a discussion on here how to battle short stacks. If you dont like playing against them, sit at 50b min tables. I actually love to sit in between two short stacks. You raise them and re raise constantly and they fold nearly every time. Also re raise button shortstack all the time. Floating is as easy. By their c-betting (usually half the pot, cause they cant afford any more when they hit nowt:lol), you can sens the weakness right away.

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Re: Reacting to a pre-flop shove I played 2 sessions on the normal tables at Stars before getting frustrated with battling the shortstacks, as I have to adjust my game to them which takes me off my 'A' (which is actually a B) game. My range would generally be 99+, AJs+, AQ+, but as Nade said it also depends on your relative position at the table. As you said you had no notes yet, so after a few orbits you will get a feel of the shoving ranges of each shortstack, and this will further help you to decide what to call with, and what hands to isolate with. Btw Hen, I'm not really sure about 3betting a button shortstack too often. Let's say he has 20BB, he raises to 3BB, and you 3bet to 9BB. Doesn't that leave you pretty committed to a shove? For me 3betting such shortstackers generally means you are committed to the pot with them which is partly why I moved to the 50bb min tables.

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