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Benchmarking: Full Tilt Rush NL10 (6 max, no ante - Table Name: Lightning)

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I've decided to relaunch the benchmarking project. It will be (initially at least) on the NL10 RUSH Six Max tables at Full Tilt Poker (no ante) - Table is called "Lightning". Why these tables? I've chosen these tables over standard cash tables as I view that they should be much more consistent and suited to more mechanical play. This is because of the lack of HUD information for you or your opponents, the lack of history between you and your opponents, and the complete lack of any kind of table dynamic. There is therefore more likely than usual to be a right way and a wrong way to play a hand. The considerations in rush poker will be less qualitative! (and thus more easily measurable and trackable) How will it work? I want you to email me your hand history files every Friday to the email address pl dot benchmarking at googlemail dot com. When I receive the hands I will download them into HEM and try and throw some points up for discussion every Saturday. ALL players will have lines that they take where they make lower profits than other players make with their lines. I will look at different scenarios and highlight to players line(s) they take where their profit could seemingly be higher (or their losses lower). I will put it on the forum with a specific suggestion for what they could change in their next weekly batch. When I receive their next hand batch, I will report on whether they have followed the suggestion or not and the impact on their profit of this. Anonymity As before, I will maintain the anonymity of the players who submit their hand histories to me to ensure there are not stats on a public forum that can be associated with you and potentially exploited by opponents. When you "sign up", please give me the name of a cartoon character and I will identify you on the forum by that characters name (if you need inspiration - a list of "top 50" cartoon characters is here - http://animatedtv.about.com/od/showsaz/tp/top50chrctrs.04.htm ) Hopefully, we'll very quickly get a good idea on the best way of playing the Rush tables. So who's interested? Dont post on the forum (in the interests of maintaining anonymity), but maybe drop me an email (with your FT alias, your PL alias and your preferred cartoon character). I'll keep this thread updated with the numbers interested :ok


Re: Benchmarking: Full Tilt Rush NL10 (6 max, no ante) Sounds good, just like a study group. I'm pretty sure anyone participating in this will have alot to gain:)

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