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Poker Drill/Exercises software?


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I recently decided to start learning Poker (I'm mainly involved in Sports Betting), and did a search to see if I could find any software that has drills/exercises to enable you to practice things like; Recognising the nuts... Calculating Pot Odds.... Should I call or fold..... that kind of thing. Couldn't really find anything that stood out- anybody aware of a good programme?

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Re: Poker Drill/Exercises software?

Recognising the nuts...
Cant help with that I'm afraid. You will seldom have the nuts though - far more important to be able to estimate your equity in a hand. For STTs, I suggest you look at some of the ICM software - most of them come with quizzes too I think. Off the top of my head - SNGEGT (SitnGo End Game Tools) is one such package.
Calculating Pot Odds....
Get Pokerstove and play around in that - it is a free download, but pticeless.
Should I call or fold.....
If it were that easy, we'd all be playing against bots and would have given up long ago :tongue2 Seemingly small differences in a hand can make a massive difference to what action you should take. "Should I call or fold" an all in in the later stages of an STT can largely be answered through ICM analysis. From the line of your questions - and assuming you are an STT player, then it sounds like the answer you are after is "ICM" (google it :ok).
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Poker Drill/Exercises software? I have leakbuster and (without having gone into in the depth I perhaps should have) found that my results got worse whilst working with it .... the conclusion I came to was that the micro stakes I was using it for weren't where it was designed to provide benefit and that I cant really use it until such time as I move up. (Does leakbuster push you towards the same stats whether you are playing NL2 or NL200? In my opinion, that would clearly be an error as the different levels need different approaches in order to best exploit the weaknesses of your opponents.

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Re: Poker Drill/Exercises software? Leakbuster differentiates between Full Ring and 6Max (depending on the hands you input) - I cant recall what the stats I put up before were specifically for - however would expect that they are more likely 6max than Full Ring (as I dont play much FR)

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Re: Poker Drill/Exercises software? You can try asking their support I'm sure they can answer your question. I've also spoken to the main developer John Anhalt and he's been extremely helpful all this while. What helped for me was thoroughly going through the 42 filters and examining certain tendencies I had that was costing me money. The stat page is good for when you're an hour or two into a session and want to see whether you're out of step in any area, and cannot give a good explanation for it. E.g. on rare occasions my 3bet% is 8-9% over a few thousand hands, which is pretty exploitable for FR, but it is usually due to the playing styles of the opponents on my immediate right. Same goes for my 4bet range; this time its affected by those on my immediate left. The important thing is you know why you are deviating for that session and if you see that it increases your profits, then by all means continue that playing style. So in your mind you should roughly know what the optimum ranges are and be able to identify any serious statistical leaks midway through a session. E.g. you get coolered a few times in a short period and are suddenly playing scared and not following up on your flop cbets often enough. A quick check will give you a wake up call. I can't comment whether the stats work for the limits you play at but if you want to focus on exploiting your opponents' weaknesses (which you should at the lower limits) you will definitely deviate from the recommended range of statistics, but over the long run you should see them being close to the recommended range as it will all even out.

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