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2x Hand histories from a mtt tonight


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There's may look like basic folds?? but just wanted some opinions. We're well in the money on both hands I and the guy who is in both hands are the only good players at the table, we're both raising like all are buttons and 3 betting a lot. I get the image that he knows what he's doing. PokerStars Game #37419825496: Tournament #225939706, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (600/1200) - 2009/12/30 22:07:19 WET [2009/12/30 17:07:19 ET] Table '225939706 19' 6-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: jacksrun (18029 in chips) Seat 2: pelikan007 (34975 in chips) Seat 3: The_Stro_Sho (72768 in chips) Seat 5: oslo52 (20280 in chips) Seat 6: woodiejr (74679 in chips) jacksrun: posts the ante 150 pelikan007: posts the ante 150 The_Stro_Sho: posts the ante 150 oslo52: posts the ante 150 woodiejr: posts the ante 150 The_Stro_Sho: posts small blind 600 oslo52: posts big blind 1200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to woodiejr [Kc Jd] woodiejr: raises 1359 to 2559 jacksrun: calls 2559 pelikan007: calls 2559 The_Stro_Sho: raises 11440 to 13999 oslo52: folds woodiejr: ????????????? Do we just shove this? or do you fold against a bad player I think it's a obvious fold? PokerStars Game #37420669255: Tournament #225939706, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (700/1400) - 2009/12/30 22:23:48 WET [2009/12/30 17:23:48 ET] Table '225939706 19' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: jacksrun (23305 in chips) Seat 2: pelikan007 (11296 in chips) Seat 3: The_Stro_Sho (70975 in chips) Seat 5: oslo52 (22621 in chips) Seat 6: woodiejr (89409 in chips) jacksrun: posts the ante 175 pelikan007: posts the ante 175 The_Stro_Sho: posts the ante 175 oslo52: posts the ante 175 woodiejr: posts the ante 175 woodiejr: posts small blind 700 jacksrun: posts big blind 1400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to woodiejr [Ac 2h] pelikan007: folds The_Stro_Sho: raises 1785 to 3185 oslo52: folds woodiejr: raises 4770 to 7955 jacksrun: folds The_Stro_Sho: raises 10270 to 18225 woodiejr: ?????????????????? Again his 4 bet is very small anyone shipping this in?

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Re: 2x Hand histories from a mtt tonight The first i might of called to see the flop play it from there, second yes fold. Is he not just raising all the time, if he is and you just fold then he will be just doing it all the time, got to make a stand to see what cards he is playing that what i would do anyway. :ok

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Re: 2x Hand histories from a mtt tonight I didn't even think calling was an option in number 1. It's not like he was raising and I wouldn't play back at him. He quite new I was the table captain and was best player out there. I havn't posted these hands because I'm thinking like kj is good or a2 is good. In both of these hands I don't actually think my cards matter in either one I could have 73o in both and I think both hands are worthy of a discussion??.

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Re: 2x Hand histories from a mtt tonight I'd fold the first hand. Despite it looking like a clear squeeze from a good player, the domino effect of the value on offer to the progressively higher stacks if I shove puts me off that move, and calling would be a bad, weak move. The 2nd hand is less straightforward imo. To me it looks like he's trying to push you off the hand. 5-handed a decent player could be 4-betting here with a wide range, but to call all-in they need AA, KK, maybe AK/QQ. If that is what they have then so be it, we need to get lucky, but the shove here will push a good player (and you've intimated he was) off AQ and down, JJ and down. He needs to be shown we won't be bossed around, I think shove.

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Re: 2x Hand histories from a mtt tonight yeah both folds for me. although he could be at it with both hands ,i think with hand A you haven't put a lot in and although theres a good chance he's squeezing and he'd fold i dont think its worth the risk that he does have a calling hand. hand b your just too weak and he could call a little looser as its 5 handed,so a lot of stronger aces (ak,aq,aj maybe even a10) or even pairs as low as 8s-9s might well call. a lot depends on his/your image but i'd guess both of you had shown some aggression at the table from what you've said,so i think youve gotta respect his 3 bet a bit here as he might expect you to call/push lighter than a tight player

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