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What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010?


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It was great to see so many players in the xmas freerollclap.gif a great tournament and great fun. So what can we do to encourage you to play along with us more? Serious question, What can we do to make your experience better? For example: Is there any interest in BPP any more, if so in its current format? Do you think it's time to lose it altogether, is it the same with MVP? Do you still want us to try and get low buy in leagues with smaller added value or is there enough interest in a higher buy in league with larger value? Or a mix? Are you happy with the forums layout? Anything else? Summary Series/League-Low buy in Series/League-Mid buy in Monthly Game MVP-stays More frequent charity games

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? As I've alluded to in a couple of posts - the problem for me is Cash v Tourney - simply at the moment, my main focus is on cash poker. I'm happy (and would like) to play occasional social tourneys, but (at the moment) dont want to do it every night (or even every week). How about a once monthly game, as a special event, with a mid buy in - maybe weekly sats running to it for those who want to be involved more often (or dont want to buy in directly). Often enough to get us together, infrequent enough that most of the time we can get on with our own projects.... A PLOPS style series as suggested by Woodie once a year would be good too :ok (though not sure I personally would play all (or even most) of the games :$ - though would definitely make an effort for the main event) It would be good to get added value/sponsorship, however sites that most have (and funded) would be more important I think.

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? Is there any interest in BPP any more, if so in its current format? Hmmm... to be honest it has lessened for myself since I saw that Ooblio got banned. He was always a regular who went for the title. Do you think it's time to lose it altogether, is it the same with MVP? I know it takes a lot of effort to keep track of the games and the scores. Though it's not perfect it's still something some of us really enjoy to go for. Even if it's just for the honour and challenge. So mixed feelings about it. If I'd have to choose between a PL exclusive league and BPP/MVP then I'd take the PL exclusive league. Do you still want us to try and get low buy in leagues with smaller added value or is there enough interest in a higher buy in league with larger value? Or a mix? Hmmm... I guess I would be fine with anything between $5 and $55 buyin :lol (if the added value is really good I could go higher, like max $218) Are you happy with the forums layout? What do you mean? Nothing wrong for as far as I can see. Well maybe more Smilies :D

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? I used to enjoy the weekly PL exclusive league - on Pokerkings most recently - buy-in around $5 :unsure Used to get about 20 - 40 runners, diminishing as the month went on, but was fun for avoiding the spoon, and winning the league :ok

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? BPP lost a lot of its edge when the original format died after Gaf went on his break. The current version bases a lot of focus games on random sites that i personally have never heard of so i just gloss over it's excistence these days although appreciate the effort that still goes into it from Avon and co. whereas in the past there was a regular PL game every week and that drove competition i think through the week for everyone.

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? Seeing the support PL are getting from members with regards to the chip set charity game:ok, perhaps it could be a regular game, say once a month the buy-in could be used for the prize each month and money raised for charity from paying for the password. Perhaps a award as well for the monthly winner to keep it interesting and whoever wins for the giving month gets to choose his/her charity for the following month. I know this will mean even more hard work for the mods, what with the logistics of transferring money etc but just a idea as I,m sat at the in-laws waiting for me turkey:cheers.

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? Not sure if monthly would be too often:unsure,but perhaps quarterly or twice a year.

Seeing the support PL are getting from members with regards to the chip set charity game:ok, perhaps it could be a regular game, say once a month the buy-in could be used for the prize each month and money raised for charity from paying for the password. Perhaps a award as well for the monthly winner to keep it interesting and whoever wins for the giving month gets to choose his/her charity for the following month. I know this will mean even more hard work for the mods, what with the logistics of transferring money etc but just a idea as I,m sat at the in-laws waiting for me turkey:cheers.
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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010?

I used to enjoy the weekly PL exclusive league - on Pokerkings most recently - buy-in around $5 :unsure Used to get about 20 - 40 runners, diminishing as the month went on, but was fun for avoiding the spoon, and winning the league :ok
Same as that :ok In fact, I also lost interest in BPP when the games became different versions and different sites all the time. When it was Prima or Boss wide games we could choose our favourite sites to play on. Its great when You put in the work with these places and secure extra value, and I'm sure everyone appreciates it at the time. Personally though, I have now deleted Circus etc as I really dont want to play there except when we get together. Virgin and Paradise both messed me about so they've gone too. A league similar to the old days but Boss/Ipoker etc wide would get more interest IMO as we could play under our own preference. That said, I've not been around as much as before. I dont even know what MVP is!
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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? Players playing when we get value to help secure future value. Were all a big team here, no one is bigger or better than anyone else, we need everyone from the freeroll players to the high stakes players joining in and helping the forum to succeed, without players, we get no added value.

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010?

BPP lost a lot of its edge when the original format died after Gaf went on his break. The current version bases a lot of focus games on random sites that i personally have never heard of so i just gloss over it's excistence these days although appreciate the effort that still goes into it from Avon and co. whereas in the past there was a regular PL game every week and that drove competition i think through the week for everyone.
agree with nade here i used to enjoy the leagues we had on various sites but there is a limit for me about how many sites i want money in[ because i forget about them]
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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? Well we did switch it around the sites so as well as BPP there woud be added value for the players in overlays etc,but something we can definitely look at:ok

agree with nade here i used to enjoy the leagues we had on various sites but there is a limit for me about how many sites i want money in[ because i forget about them]
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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010?

Same as that :ok A league similar to the old days but Boss/Ipoker etc wide would get more interest IMO as we could play under our own preference.
If you mean an added value league,unfortunately it's not the networks that offer the extras so it is site specific. If no added value but just a BPP scoring game that could be network wide.
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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? BPP is fine, although sometimes hard for me as I am one of the players or perhaps even only one lol, who not has lots accounts :$. So perhaps giving two games to choose, and 1 of them being on boss or stars would be great ;) The MVP is funny so I would not get rid of it Like some others I miss the league, so I think a regular game once a week would be great fun As well I like the idea of the charity game a lot, so perhaps this could be done regulary more than once a year And I am happy with the forums layout :) Oh and I liked the teamchallenges we had, so more of them would be nice

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? I've never really bothered with the BPP league thing and I can't say I actually know or understand what's it all about. I always check the daily tournaments thread if I like the focus game that night I will play it although on average I properly only play no more than 5 a month this being I just don't play on them sites you guys have teamed up with. I know Paradise and virgin have a good relationship with PL but I know I'm not the only one who wouldn't miss them if Pl ditched them I'd love to see a league like you had on paradise this year but on a different site so I could play it. The league I really enjoyed was the Devilfish league we need to get another one of them sorted, that site is the nuts compared to paradise. Also another league we had on stanjames with a WSOP seat added.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? If you mean BPP think the interest has diminished somewhat:( Possibly will only run as specials(world cup one would be good)-(nudge Avon) As for a PL league dont think we have been able to secure anything with them previously. Glad you brought this thread back up though as i think Paul/Morls and Rivrd have managed to sort out a few of the things that were asked for with the Virgin/Betfair and Grosvenor leagues.

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Re: What would you like to see in PL Poker for 2010? Is there any interest in BPP any more, if so in its current format? For noobs like me its hard to follow too many sites involved you practically need $$$ on every site!Quite confusing. Do you think it's time to lose it altogether, is it the same with MVP? MVP no i love it!Stay stay stay:) Do you still want us to try and get low buy in leagues with smaller added value or is there enough interest in a higher buy in league with larger value? Or a mix? Personally i'd be intersted in joining higher buy in league with larger value. Are you happy with the forums layout? Yeah pretty good. Anything else? I would like to see you invest in a proper staking system where everything is automatically tracked.I think everybody who wants to get involved in staking should be made have a moneybookers account for transfers rather than having to rely on site transfers as there is difficulty with these nowadays with limits etc.

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