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Recommended books for my level


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Poker books in my country are quite hard to come by, and the bookstores that do carry them mark the price up by quite abit. Thus I decided to use some of my Stars FPPs to redeem two 50 GBP amazon.co.uk gift certificates. Did some research and this is the book list that I came up with: 1. Phil Gordon's Little Green Book: Lessons and Teachings in No Limit Texas Hold'em - Phil Gordon 2. Professional No-Limit Hold 'em: Volume I: 1 - Matt Flynn 3. Harrington on Cash Games: Volume II: How to Play No-Limit Hold 'em Cash Games: 2 - Dan Harrington; 4. Power Hold'em Strategy - Daniel Negreanu 5. Harrington on Cash Games: 1 - Dan Harrington I'm also thinking between: 1. The Theory of Poker: A Professional Poker Player Teaches You How to Think Like One - David Sklansky and 2. No-Limit Texas Hold'em: A Complete Course by Angel Largay for the final book. Also wanted to get Hold'Em Poker for Advanced Players (Advance Player) by David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth and No Limit Hold 'em: Theory and Practice by David Sklansky and Ed Miller but I can't get it directly from Amazon.co.uk so it can't be shipped to my country. For someone like me who has been playing online for a year, and with approximately half a year of experience at Full Ring NL100, did I choose the best selection of books to help me improve my game? Do suggest titles that you strongly feel are useful, and also books I have chosen that I would not find to be as useful as the others. The few books that I have already read are LBB by Phil Gordon, Winning Strategies for NLHE, Every Hand Revealed, and Psychology of Poker by Alan Schoonmaker. For those who want to recommend the Super System series, I did not include it as I feel it touches on the other variants too much, but if you feel that the NL section is very good, do let me know too. I'll probably check out some online coaching sites in the near future too but I'm the kind of person who prefers a book over watching a video on the computer so i would like to start with some books first.

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Re: Recommended books for my level For coaching, a couple of suggestions: - deucescracked give a free trial for 7 days (I think) - if you cancel in that time, then you pay nothing (you have to give credit card details up front - but IMO they're trustworthy enough) - during your week you can download as many videos as you like, with no DRM protection. - FullTilt give free access to Cardrunners and/or stoxpoker based on how many points you earn per month - you dont "spend" your points on this - so it really is "free" if you play on Full Tilt. With the stakes and volume you play, you should get it quite easily. - Also worth a mention is the "Full Tilt Acadamy" - I've not done it yet, so dont know how good it is (or isnt) but the idea looks good - gives you lessons, followed by challenges based on the lessons and then monitors your play at the tables against the challenges. You get points for completing challenges which can be exchanged for books, for example ;)

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Re: Recommended books for my level Thanks for the quick reply GAF:ok any tips to offer on the books side? I'm currently playing on Stars though if their FPP programs changes for the worse next year I might move over to FTP, though I had the impression that you had to pay a certain amount of points for CR membership; the longer the duration the cheaper it is. Heard that the FT Academy is free, is that true? But the challenges would have to be done on the full tilt tables?

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Re: Recommended books for my level Yes Full Tilt Academy is free - some of it is locked at first, but I think it's all unlocked after you've played a very small number of hands. Might well be crap as Dave says - but the only cost is a little bit of time, so maybe worth a look and to make your own mind up. On the books side - I've got over half the books on your list, but my reading lately has totally dried up - I've never read a book for cash poker that I feel has made a difference (if it had, I wouldnt be stuck at NL10 :tongue2) - but equally I'm not sure I've ever managed to give any of them the study they deserve :$ So I definitely cannot recommend any books, but equally I wouldn't give them a thumbs down either....

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Re: Recommended books for my level FT Academy is actually quite good :ok As for those books you mention the strat in them is so far behind it is probably a waste of time reading them. I couldn't recommend a NLHE cash book at the moment but would recommend Cardrunners as the way to go. For PLO cash I have read Slotbooms books recently the first one is trash but the second is very good.

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Re: Recommended books for my level Also wanted to get your recommendations on these books: 1. Small Stakes Hold 'em: Winning Big With Expert Play by Ed Miller Is this primarily a LHE book? 2. Heads-Up No-Limit Hold 'em by Collin Moshman Would this book be helpful in any way for heads-up confrontations resulting from a preflop raised pot on a full ring table?

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Re: Recommended books for my level

Also wanted to get your recommendations on these books: 1. Small Stakes Hold 'em: Winning Big With Expert Play by Ed Miller Is this primarily a LHE book? 2. Heads-Up No-Limit Hold 'em by Collin Moshman Would this book be helpful in any way for heads-up confrontations resulting from a preflop raised pot on a full ring table?
Small Stakes Holdem is Limit. I havent got the Mosham HU book - but I would be dubious of the value for HU play in a full ring table - I think the dynamic would be totally different (and the strength of each players hand)
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