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Hands for discussion


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Re: Hands for discussion Well played mate, that is something I can add to my arsenal:ok If the half pot bet gives off weakness here that is probably good for me as it encourages alot more bluffs. So the main problem here was my bet sizing; I should have made a more standard cbet with the intention of shoving any safe turn card. What would be the best line to take then, if the flop came down an ace or diamond? If I checked I would be hard pressed to call any decently sized bet. With that kind of turn bet the villain himself wouldn't have pushed without a strong hand (have him as a TAG) but given the hole I had dug for myself I couldn't fold. Would you see the flop smooth call as an overcall with a strong hand or that of a drawing hand with odds to call? Villain had :Qd::Jd: for the flopped flush, so I was drawing dead on the turn.

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Re: Hands for discussion If the turn is an A or diamond there's not many ways of getting value from hands we beat on the turn so check and hope to get to showdown. What i like doing if an A hits the turn and villain checks is to then bet out say 1/3 pot on the river as it will get calls from worse pairs and its not likely people will shove unless they have a big hand so theres some value but sometimes people will have the A but so be it.

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Re: Hands for discussion Hand 5: Why do you think villain would have a very wide 3bet range when he does it 4% of times? As its 5handed i'd mostly look to 4bet and get it in pre flop here as we have a premium hand and if we 4bet to say $30 we can get villain to shove with random stuff and mid PPs. The flop all in can never be bad but maybe you can extract more money by calling and hope they barrell off with air but mostly what will happen is they have say TT and you'll only get more action if they hit a set or you check behind turn and value bet river. Think the allin is fine though as they will call any Ax and flush draw. Hand 6: Without reads i'm never folding in that spot, we only lose to 79s and Q9s and still have lots of outs.

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Re: Hands for discussion

Hand 5: Why do you think villain would have a very wide 3bet range when he does it 4% of times? As its 5handed i'd mostly look to 4bet and get it in pre flop here as we have a premium hand and if we 4bet to say $30 we can get villain to shove with random stuff and mid PPs. The flop all in can never be bad but maybe you can extract more money by calling and hope they barrell off with air but mostly what will happen is they have say TT and you'll only get more action if they hit a set or you check behind turn and value bet river. Think the allin is fine though as they will call any Ax and flush draw.
Mainly because I've seen him 3bet light a couple of times, but looking back on my post I did exaggerate things slightly by using the words "very wide". Btw, did you get my PM reply?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Hands for discussion Hand 7: Villain is 14/11 with a 3bet% of 2.7, aggression wise he's 2.36 / 2.14 / 2.00 / 6.5. His WTSD is 19.1% and W$SD% is 59.1, and has a 37% fold to flop cbet%. Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter UTG: $100.00 UTG+1: $100.00 MP1: $166.35 MP2: $147.05 Hero (CO): $380.70 BTN: $124.50 SB: $100.50 BB: $216.40 Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with T of diamonds Q of clubs4 folds, Hero raises to $4, BTN calls $4, 2 folds Flop: ($9.50) 9 of hearts 9 of diamonds 7 of spades(2 players) Hero bets $6.75, BTN calls $6.75 Turn: ($23.00) 8 of hearts(2 players) Hero bets $14, BTN raises to $29, Hero calls $15 River: ($81.00) 6 of diamonds(2 players) Hero checks, BTN bets $84.75 all in, Hero ???

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Re: Hands for discussion This is an easy snap fold on the turn unless you think he can flat AA-JJ on the BTN here then there's some merit to calling otherwise he has a full house 99% of times. His nitty range on the BTN will be all mid pocket pairs, maybe premium pocket pairs and broadway cards. You could conceivably have anything up to AA here yet the nit is re-raising you on the turn on a paired board -he's never bluffing and i'm sure would just call down with pocket TT as that's what they do. As played snap fold river.

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Re: Hands for discussion Thanks Nade, that's what I concluded then too. Hand 8 Villain is 11/8 with a call 3bet% of 55 and 4bet range of 1.5% over 2.3k hands. His AF is 3.9 / 5.3 / 2.3 / 4.8, WTSD% 19.2 and W$SD% 59.4. Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter SB: $100.00 BB: $347.95 Hero (UTG): $124.00 UTG+1: $101.50 MP1: $149.30 MP2: $134.00 CO: $109.95 BTN: $149.60 Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG with K of clubs K of spades Hero calls $1, 5 folds, SB raises to $5, 1 fold, Hero raises to $17, SB calls $12 Couple of robotic regs here who like to pick off limpers so I decided to go for the limp RR. Flop: ($35.00) 2 of clubs J of hearts 6 of hearts(2 players) SB checks, Hero bets $20, SB calls $20 Turn: ($75.00) 8 of diamonds(2 players) SB checks, Hero checks River: ($75.00) T of clubs(2 players) SB bets $63 all in, Hero folds Final Pot: $75.00 SB wins $72.00 (Rake: $3.00) Only reason I folded here is because my gut told me I was beaten, was I too tight? Should I have snap called and say 'nh' if I'm beaten?

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Re: Hands for discussion Hand 9 Villain is 11/7/2.7%, AF 4.3 / 5 / 4 / 3 over 911 hands. WTSD% is 17.4 and W$SD% is 58.3. Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter MP2: $100.00 CO: $98.85 BTN: $107.45 SB: $100.00 BB: $112.05 UTG: $131.90 UTG+1: $109.25 Hero (UTG+2): $107.00 MP1: $136.40 Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is UTG+2 with J of spades J of hearts2 folds, Hero raises to $4, 1 fold, MP2 calls $4, 3 folds, BB calls $3 Flop: ($12.50) 9 of hearts 7 of diamonds 9 of diamonds(3 players) BB checks, Hero bets $9.25, MP2 calls $9.25, BB calls $9.25 Turn: ($40.25) 8 of clubs(3 players) BB checks, Hero bets $20, MP2 calls $20, BB folds River: ($80.25) T of spades(2 players) Hero checks, MP2 bets $34, Hero calls $34 Final Pot: $148.25

MP2 shows 7c 7s (a full house, Sevens full of Nines) Hero mucks Js Jh MP2 wins $145.25 (Rake: $3.00) I think this hand could have been played in a few ways so please give me your comments for the 3 streets, especially the turn and river.

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Re: Hands for discussion Hand 8 just doesn't make any sense to me. I'd learn to call just put of curosity. What can he have a set not to sure. Maybe j 10? a j? doesn't make any sense to me would love to know what he had. Hand 9 another you know you beat like 90% of time but it's hard to fold when he's valuetowning you.

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Re: Hands for discussion Had a hand against hand 8 villain today: Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players - View hand 496013

The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter

SB: $186.95

Hero (BB): $170.10

UTG: $56.40

UTG+1: $109.00

UTG+2: $100.00

MP1: $105.50

MP2: $100.00

CO: $71.50

BTN: $100.00

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with Q of diamonds A of diamonds

1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $3, 6 folds, Hero calls $2

Flop: ($6.50) 8 of spades 4 of spades K of hearts(2 players)

Hero checks, UTG+1 checks

Turn: ($6.50) A of hearts(2 players)

Hero checks, UTG+1 bets $5, Hero calls $5

River: ($16.50) 6 of diamonds(2 players)

Hero checks, UTG+1 bets $15, Hero calls $15

Final Pot: $46.50

Hero shows Q of diamonds A of diamonds (a pair of Aces)

UTG+1 shows J of clubs Q of clubs (high card Ace)

Hero wins $44.25

(Rake: $2.25)

So maybe I made a wrong decision then..

Hand 9 another you know you beat like 90% of time but it's hard to fold when he's valuetowning you.
Yea I only needed to be right 22% of the time, couldn't really find a fold then
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Re: Hands for discussion As Woodie said, I'm calling in hand 8. Your check on the turn indicates weakness (but it isn't), so guy shoves to take a pot on the river. Call. In hand 8, with two callers on that flop, you have to expect one of them to have trips. It doesn't matter if you bet the turn or check-call it. With 10 on the river it's hard to get away. I would have called too. Nothing wrong with hand 9.

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Re: Hands for discussion The more I look at it it seems that hand 8 should be a call more often than not. Bet the turn for pot control as I didn't really expect a check behind me, if the bet was say $55 (pot size $80) would it be a fold most of the time? Hand 10 Poker Stars $0.50/$1 No Limit Hold'em - 8 players

The Official DeucesCracked.com Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): $108.55

UTG: $123.30

UTG+1: $212.65

MP1: $206.80

MP2: $100.00

CO: $182.65

BTN: $100.00

SB: $125.40

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BB with A of diamonds A of clubs

2 folds, MP1 raises to $3, MP2 calls $3, 3 folds, Hero raises to $14, MP1 calls $11, 1 fold

Flop: ($31.50) T of spades 2 of spades 9 of clubs(2 players)

Hero bets $18, MP1 calls $18

Turn: ($67.50) 8 of diamonds(2 players)

Hero bets $34, MP1 calls $34

River: ($135.50) 5 of hearts(2 players)

Hero bets $42.55 all in, MP1 calls $42.55

Final Pot: $220.60

Hero shows AdAc (a pair of Aces)

MP1 shows JhQh (a straight, Eight to Queen)

MP1 wins $217.60

(Rake: $3.00) Did I overplay my bullets? And would it be better to shove the turn?

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Re: Hands for discussion As soon as that 8 falls down you just know he has qj you see it so often it just goes through your mind that you know he's got it. I'm not just saying that you could tell he has qj before even looking at the results. You def check the turn for pot imo. I think you did overplay here without a doubt.

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Re: Hands for discussion Meh i kind of think hand 10 is a cooler because you have to barrell the turn with all the extra draws out there means they'll be calling a lot more hands, the only thing you can do to get away is c/f to a shove on the river but that's pretty exploitable as they should see it as you getting scared on drawy boards and folding big looking hands so i'd just mark it up as one of those things and move on tbh.

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Re: Hands for discussion

Meh i kind of think hand 10 is a cooler because you have to barrell the turn with all the extra draws out there means they'll be calling a lot more hands' date=' the only thing you can do to get away is c/f to a shove on the river but that's pretty exploitable as they should see it as you getting scared on drawy boards and folding big looking hands so i'd just mark it up as one of those things and move on tbh.[/quote'] At my stakes check calling in a position like this is probably not a bad play. If villian value bets small you save cash grudgingly and if he doesnt have it and bets you win the cash you wouldnt normally if you had bet first. You only really lose out to hands like qq,kk,jj if they check behind but then you would probably have ben raised on flop or turn by any of those.
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Re: Hands for discussion

At my stakes check calling in a position like this is probably not a bad play. If villian value bets small you save cash grudgingly and if he doesnt have it and bets you win the cash you wouldnt normally if you had bet first. You only really lose out to hands like qq,kk,jj if they check behind but then you would probably have ben raised on flop or turn by any of those.
As played i think a check call on the river would be good, even though it would seem weird to my opponent with all that money in the pot. Anyone for betting bigger on the flop (say $23) and shoving any non-spade turn?
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