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overplayed pair or bad call (or both)?


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One and a half hours into a live tourney, blinds 200/400, starting chips 10,000, I have 9,600 and am in the SB. Hand is (Kc,8h) Action (10 handed) one limper (loose/weak), I call, BB checks Flop (Ks,Js,7c) Me- bet 1200. Call from BB. Call. Turn (Qh) ? Both my opponents have about 9,500 chips left, I have 8,000, the pot is 4,800. I figure that both my opponents would have stayed in with two spades or one pair. Both would have raised preflop with (7,7) or better pair, so I don't fear a set. Two pair is my big fear, as is (A,10), but draws are more likely from what I've seen. Deeper stacked I'd have bet the pot or slightly more here, but that leaves me with

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Re: overplayed pair or bad call (or both)? Yeah probably say both if I'm honest. I definitely don't bet 1200 on the flop. You know how vunerable your hand is and you have the worst position. IF I bet this flop I'm keeping the pot small, 800 max. Then I'm check/calling or check/folding depending what fell. Not betting again unless I improve. If you bet 800. Then checked the flop it looks like the BB would've checked. Then I would've check/called the 9s. Still come out the hand with around 7500. :ok

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Re: overplayed pair or bad call (or both)? Thanks. I bet 1200 on the flop because I figured I was best and wanted to end it there. The blind structures on these tourneys are so fast that you can't play slow ball for very long, so there is pressure to try and double up early on. I definitely overplayed it, but the guy made a bad call. What did he think I had? He's only beating a bluff.

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Re: overplayed pair or bad call (or both)?

Thanks. I bet 1200 on the flop because I figured I was best and wanted to end it there. The blind structures on these tourneys are so fast that you can't play slow ball for very long, so there is pressure to try and double up early on. I definitely overplayed it, but the guy made a bad call. What did he think I had? He's only beating a bluff.
I agree but these sort of players don't think like that. Many cannot put that sort of hand down - it's incorrect but it happens, which is why you want to keep it small against these players, especially considering position and the hands. Why play a big pot with top pair-poor kicker vs a draw against players who are going to make incorrect calls? I understand your point re the structure though, you got your money in when in front so I cannot say you did anything wrong - however my way is just way of playing these suck-out merchants (especially if you run bad like I do :lol). Also, slowing down on the turn/river may win you more when he misses his flush - check calling if he incorrectly value bets his Q or if you bet a non-scare river. Keeping the pot smaller makes a call more likely from him later too (on the occasions he is beat). :ok
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Re: overplayed pair or bad call (or both)?

This calling station will end up calling you when dead or close two in a later hand. It seems to be there were going to be better spots at this table.
Yikes! I've slipped into the mathematics +ev brigade rather than the ability +ev one. In my defence I was drunk at the time of posting:spank
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