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Poker Tracker 3 Help


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I've finally downloaded PT3 but am having probs manually importing hand histories that I've previously saved from Prima site. The files are saved as .txt and look like this (one hand extract):

** Hand # 2897133707 starting - 2009-10-15 16:34:04 ** Nowhere to go [Hold'em] (0.50|1.00 NL - Cash Game) Real Money Sleekshot sitting in seat 1 with $100.00 user01 sitting in seat 2 with $156.81 1320172 sitting in seat 3 with $66.34 MEGASTEAM sitting in seat 4 with $127.23 OmgMayhem sitting in seat 5 with $127.05[Dealer] OLLLI sitting in seat 6 with $37.12 OLLLI posted the small blind - $0.50 Sleekshot posted the big blind - $1.00 ** Dealing cards to Sleekshot: 10c, 9s user01 folded 1320172 folded MEGASTEAM folded OmgMayhem folded OLLLI called - $1.00 Sleekshot checked ** Dealing the flop: Jc, 2h, 5d OLLLI bet - $2.00 Sleekshot folded OLLLI mucks: OLLLI wins $3.90 from the main pot Rake: $0.10
But PT3 says this:
2009/10/17 17:01:47: Import beginning 2009/10/17 17:01:47: Import file: C:\Users\Paul\Documents\HH\gnuf15 oct UNICODE.TXT 2009/10/17 17:01:47: Unrecognized file format. 2009/10/17 17:01:47: Import complete. 0 hands in 1 file were imported. (0 errors, 0 duplicates)
I've tried saving as ANSI, UTF-8 and UNICODE formats but no joy with any of them. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Any help very much appreciated.
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Re: Poker Tracker 3 Help Yeah downloaded it this arvo on the 60 day trial - gonna take that long to get it working by the looks of it!! A couple more questions - still looking round everything at the moment. Is there a way you can sum player details together - for example I'm Sleekshot on one skin but Sleekshot23 on another and would like to see the combined stats? Hands played in Euros appear as dollars. For example at Virgin I've played some on dollar tables and some on euro tables - so it's skewing my P/L - is there a way round that?

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