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Poker 24/8 Challenge


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I've been having an attempt at the 2m2k Challenge, in my own way ..... But as I assumed pre-challenge the only way a low stakes player like myself can really acheive the 2k Target is by getting a decent couple of Tourney cashes. As grinding 20k + Hands of cash or 3000+ SNG's isn't an option - as I also have a job, family and life away from the Virtual Felt :D. So the top up of my Balance is being done by a the occassional SNG's, the odd feeble attempt at NLHE Ring Games or the mind-numbing DoN's :(. I'm not a sadist and making a challenge enjoyable, helps to move things along to a positive conclusion, so I was thinking last night how to make the 'grind' a little more enjoyable and ultimately improve my game along the way. So whilst waiting for my HU games to start last night, and being prompted by an article I'd read on Negraneaus:pukeblog I've decided to have a go at the 8 Game Mix on Stars. I don't expect to make much (if any profit) at the start, but if its just low stakes its not going to overly concern me :D. I'm also curious to know which of the 8 Games will be my best/worst and maybe find a variant I can move onto at a later point - as profit at NLHE/PLO tables is harder to find nowadays unless your multi-tabling for 1bb per hr. So I'll run this alongside my other Challenge, and will include losses (profit?) made - my aim (as suggested by the thread title) is to play 24 Rounds (3 Full Sets) of 8 Game a day - starting at 20/40. Anybody else fancy a go at the same then feel free to post in this thread or start your own - but I'm interetsed in what is the most/least profitable game if you can also keep stats, it would be interesting to compare. The Eight Games are Limit - Razz,Stud,Stud8,Omaha8,Hold'em,2-7 Triple Draw No Limit - Hold'em Pot Limit - Omaha Pre start, I would guess that NLHE, or PLO would be the most profitable - deifintely the most 'swingy'. I'll not predict my worst as it may influence peoples decisions when choosing a variant game if up against me in the Heads Up Challenge ;)

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Re: Poker 24/8 Challenge Good luck VoJ :ok I'm a little confused as to what you're playing - are you playing Cash or STT? Are you playing one variant at a time, or a table that rotates through the 8 variants? If you're playing a table that rotates through the 8 variants - how are you planning on tracking results? Will you have to work through the hand histories? I could be tempted to join you - having played the HORSE in the HU I was really interested to work out which games I did best in and which were worse - but couldnt be bothered to work through the Hand Histories (certainly not enough to get to a sample size that would be significant enough...)

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Re: Poker 24/8 Challenge

Good luck VoJ :ok I'm a little confused as to what you're playing - are you playing Cash or STT? Are you playing one variant at a time, or a table that rotates through the 8 variants? If you're playing a table that rotates through the 8 variants - how are you planning on tracking results? Will you have to work through the hand histories? I could be tempted to join you - having played the HORSE in the HU I was really interested to work out which games I did best in and which were worse - but couldnt be bothered to work through the Hand Histories (certainly not enough to get to a sample size that would be significant enough...)
Its cash 20c/40c Limit 5c/10c PLO/NLHE - 6 Hands of Each Variant (6 Max tables). I'll look at moving up as I become proficient :tongue2 All I'll do is record the Money I start each variant with and how much I end it with (6 hands each) - No trawling through Hand Histories :D
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Re: Poker 24/8 Challenge I presume you're playing one table at a time? So thats 144 hands per day? Looking at the Hands per hour on these tables - that's about 2 hours per day? :loon I thought you had "a job, family and life away from the Virtual Felt"? :tongue2

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Re: Poker 24/8 Challenge

I presume you're playing one table at a time? So thats 144 hands per day? Looking at the Hands per hour on these tables - that's about 2 hours per day? :loon I thought you had "a job' date=' family and life away from the Virtual Felt"? :tongue2[/quote'] :lol:lol Yes but I'll be playing the MTT at the same time;)
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Re: Poker 24/8 Challenge Good luck with this Martyn:hope. I have played the 8 Game tournament on Stars a couple of times, and despite being no expert in at least....8 of the games:(, I felt that I was one of the better players. Too many players played too many hands in both Omaha games, and check called too many bets in the Stud based games, and then played hyper aggrsive in NLHE. Doing the opposite seemed to work. Hopefully the micro stakes players on cash will be similar.:clap

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Re: Poker 24/8 Challenge Well looking on the positive side ..... there's plenty of scope for improvement. :( 288 Hands - $9.96 Best Discipline - Razz + 0.81c :\ Worst Discipline - 2-7 Triple Draw -$4.52:$ (although 4 of the other disciplines I'm down less than 2 BB's) Anybody any tips on what I should be drawing to in the Triple Draw, except from out of the blinds I was never drawing for more than 1 card - yet I never seemed to hit and even if the opponents aren't standing Pat on the last draw they're always calling the last bet - when I'm attempting the steal. Is it the case aka Razz, that its + Ev to always call a single bet on the last 'draw' - and that the single 'steal' bet is a waste of time :unsure

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Re: Poker 24/8 Challenge Better Session this Morning/Afternoon :D 186 Hands + $6.04 Best Discipline - This Session Stud 8 +$4.58 Worst Discipline-This Session NLHE - $1.85 Overall Best Discipline Razz Overall Worst Discipline 2-7 Triple Draw - (But i did make a profit in it this Session ;)) Variant Divisions Best to Worst Stud - (Razz,Stud,Stud8) > +8.42 Draw - (2-7 Triple Draw) > -3.87 Omaha - (PLO,Omaha HiLo)> -3.96 Hold'em -(NLHE,Limit Hold'Em) > -4.51

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