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2m2k - VoJ's Thread


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I'll not be organised enough to pre-post what I'm entering :\ - and I'll not be playing 20 Tables at a time:) But I've created myself a Spreadsheet which I'll use to track ins and outs - I will be including my % of Team Profits from the Betfair Challenge - as while I'm playing them I'll not be playing other games that could lead to profit elsewhere. PoA is probably STT's 6/18 Man to keep the Total steady :hope I may even venture to HU as they are quick, but unsure at the moment as at low stakes they don't offer a 'Big Return' :\. Cash games are probbaly not on the agenda unless I aim to get in the Raked Hands Freerolls on SJames/Virgin. I'm pretty certain that the only way to hit the $2k mark (for Me) is to have a good few MTT results, but I'm not able to dedicate 5hrs+ to a Full Tilt / Stars tourney so I'll aim to find some less populated tourneys that offer chance for a steady return. Good Luck to everyone else partaking of the challenge:ok

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Re: 2m2k - VoJ's Thread

I will be including my % of Team Profits from the Betfair Challenge - as while I'm playing them I'll not be playing other games that could lead to profit elsewhere.
I'm coming to the same conclusion - in spite of what I said before I think I will count it too. No-one else from Team Kent appears available to play tonight, and I am, so it'll probably be me - and I've just realised that if I'm focusing on that, I wont be playing all the other games I was thinking of playing.
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Re: 2m2k - VoJ's Thread Well that started Ok and went downhill the longer it went on.Bubbled my MTT and then had a go at DN2's resulted in an overall loss of rake. I'm usually pretty good at Bankroll management, but (after stating how poor I am at Cash games) I decide to chase my losses when I wasn't really in the right frame of mind, and get back up to a reasonable level via the cash tables - and messed it up royally. Busted Aces and All-In against Aces that held :sad So heres my day one figures f_2tibm_9f75b37.jpg

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Re: 2m2k - VoJ's Thread

Is that a spreadsheet you've created yourself VoJ or is it one you've downloaded somewhere?
No I've done it myself, if you want a copy drop me your email addy and I'll forward it on. (Its in excel 2007 format, so if you using regular .xls sheets let me know and save as that file type)
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Re: 2m2k - VoJ's Thread NIce MTT cash on Bwin - I should really ahve won it, I had a massive lead Heads Up, and he pushes all in while I'm holding Kings - What can I do but call ? He turns Ace - Three hits a 3 on the flop and an Ace on the river. Probably tilted me a little TBH :) - But positives with my play can't do anything more once the cash has gone in, and good figure for the Challenge (1st Prize was $1091 :eyes) f_2tibm_2a1e19d.jpg

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Re: 2m2k - VoJ's Thread Not so good tonight, one very small cash and a Bwin Bubble :( For a loss of $20-70 Think we should share possible areas of 'value' in here - so heres one for those that can get online for 18:00 each day Bwin run a small $2-20 Freezeout called 'The Fish Tank' around 140 Runners top 20 Paid with an Added $100. Bubbled this tonight after 1hr 46 mins of play. (First Prize around $100)

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