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2m2k - Woodie thread


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This will be my thread will post results with screenshots etc as much as I can. For the first couple weeks I will be playing mainly $3.40 18 man turbos and also $3.25 45 mans. Prob mix in some $3 6 max and the odd $6 heads up sng. Hopefully be playing daily 20ish tables at a time. Playing mainly on stars and if I feel like playing a mtt I will on any other site. Which I will obviously post up in here. This is what my sharkscope is looking like as of now sharkscopekl.jpg

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Thanks. Going to play two mtts tonight the focus game on ipoker and some bounty one on stanjames. Played some sng's today not many like 50ish games today profit of around $70 I will update later tonight when sharkscope has fully updated and I've finished for the day.

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Ok I official suck at mtts when not in the mood out in both within 10 minutes of each starting lol. managed to win a 10 euro double or nothing on stan james while waiting for tournie to start. Can't find stanjames on sharkscope?????? not sure how I can get this tracked? Here are my stats for today. mtts -$11 sngs - $68 d2ns - $14 So day 1 a profit of - $71 day1profit.jpg Should really be playing more tonight but really not feeling it at all. My aim tomorrow is to play 100 sng's and obviously profit $$

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Busted my betfair account on wednesday logged in today and found £10 in rakeback credited. So decided to spin it up :) Thanks plnade for putting the hands through his holdemmanger to get the stats up. 96591159.jpg 2ndoctobersharkscopebet.jpg managed to win 7 out of 8 heads up sng's. Am actually down $25 on stars today so far butt I may play again later I won't add that to the total yet as will prob play a couple games later. Day 2 = + $198.11 so far.

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Done for the day. Played a few games on stars and got that $25 loss back plus a small profit. octob2ndstars.jpg So today summary Sng's - + $104 Cash - +$122.11 Total - $226.11 Profit after day 2 = +$297.11 Very pleasing start :hope

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Ran really bad today and had to many distractions. Plus stars decides to play up when in middle of a session Oh also bubbles $20 deepstack kk vs ak they hit ace would of made me huge chip leader. Was already confident before that I was going to at least final table it have such an edge in this tournie 30 min blinds etc. Finishing of last couple games now prolly finish day - 60 ouch. May grind another site tomorrow def fill doom switch on account today.

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Going to start posting weekly results. Having to try and reach a daily target is really effecting my game and for the first time ever I'm getting easily tilted which I have never done before playing poker. So will update this thread once a week properly sunday/monday nights.

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread

Going to start posting weekly results. Having to try and reach a daily target is really effecting my game and for the first time ever I'm getting easily tilted which I have never done before playing poker. So will update this thread once a week properly sunday/monday nights.
Touche - exactly what I found re:Tilting :D Not wanting to finish the day on a loss etc - I'm also struggling to come to terms with Multi Tabling. Do you cascade your screens or tile them ??
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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread I tile them I can fit 12 on my screen and see all the action at once if I have more opened then I still tilt them and just have them everywhere looks kinda messy but I feel I can still pick up on reads on each table this way. have tried cascade but didn't like one bit.

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread I think you should invest more time on MTTs instead of those sit &gos, you are a pretty good player IMO and i think your game is perfectly suited for the 300-400 MTTs (ipoker or ongame tournaments). Besides, the ROI is huge compared to those Sit&go. Regards P.S Double stack tourneys are perfect for a laggy game ;)

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Updating today cause going away until thursday tomorrow. Used 2k fpps up today on stars for 1/4mill sats won 4 seats for profit. Been playing mostly on fulltilt the last week although havn't layed to much the last 2 days been kinda busy. But have done well in the $6 6 max turbos. Also played 2 $3 6 max tournies made deepish run in both but only min cashes. Here is my overal winnings for the past week since last update. $44 in t$ $44 in sngs on stars $132 in sngs on fulltilt $8.29 in mtt on fulltilt

uuupppsssshipit 108$1 $6 19%$132 -N/AFullTilt
Profit $228.29 Total profit since 1st october = +$543.91
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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread

I think you should invest more time on MTTs instead of those sit &gos, you are a pretty good player IMO and i think your game is perfectly suited for the 300-400 MTTs (ipoker or ongame tournaments). Besides, the ROI is huge compared to those Sit&go. Regards P.S Double stack tourneys are perfect for a laggy game ;)
I only read my own post until today... i meant 300-400 player MTTs :)
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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread

Nice going Woodie :ok Have you included this? I have you exactly 60 lower than what you're declaring.....
Will update this thread tomorrow I donked of another $40 in mtts on thursday no idea why I played same day I came home from a 4 day binge week was not feeling it at all what waste. Grinding some winnings on ft since though, Oh just finished a 6 max tournie this is why I don't like to play these cause they tilt me up. Maybe I played this wrong but I know I'm good here my opps are so bad.. PokerStars Game #34160434319: Tournament #203875209, $3.00+$0.30 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (700/1400) - 2009/10/17 17:03:16 ET Table '203875209 10' 6-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: DaTboITran (76079 in chips) Seat 2: Sc0rpius (145634 in chips) Seat 3: woodiejr (80620 in chips) Seat 5: tholinstar| (31504 in chips) Seat 6: RW106 (98380 in chips) DaTboITran: posts the ante 175 Sc0rpius: posts the ante 175 woodiejr: posts the ante 175 tholinstar|: posts the ante 175 RW106: posts the ante 175 RW106: posts small blind 700 DaTboITran: posts big blind 1400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to woodiejr [8c 8s] Sc0rpius: raises 4200 to 5600 woodiejr: calls 5600 tholinstar|: folds RW106: calls 4900 DaTboITran: calls 4200 *** FLOP *** [Ks Qd 4h] RW106: bets 1400 DaTboITran: calls 1400 Sc0rpius: calls 1400 woodiejr: calls 1400 *** TURN *** [Ks Qd 4h] [8d] RW106: bets 4200 DaTboITran: raises 8400 to 12600 Sc0rpius: folds woodiejr: calls 12600 RW106: calls 8400 *** RIVER *** [Ks Qd 4h 8d] [5h] RW106: bets 30800 DaTboITran: raises 25504 to 56304 and is all-in woodiejr: raises 4541 to 60845 and is all-in RW106: calls 30045 *** SHOW DOWN *** woodiejr: shows [8c 8s] (three of a kind, Eights) RW106: shows [6d 7d] (a straight, Four to Eight) RW106 collected 9082 from side pot DaTboITran: shows [Kc Ad] (a pair of Kings) RW106 collected 235587 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 244669 Main pot 235587. Side pot 9082. | Rake 0 Board [Ks Qd 4h 8d 5h] Seat 1: DaTboITran (big blind) showed [Kc Ad] and lost with a pair of Kings Seat 2: Sc0rpius folded on the Turn Seat 3: woodiejr showed [8c 8s] and lost with three of a kind, Eights Seat 5: tholinstar| (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: RW106 (small blind) showed [6d 7d] and won (244669) with a straight, Four to Eight
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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Havn't put nearly any volume in sngs on stars for over a week now just can't be motivated since switching to full tilt was playing the 6max $6 turbo sng's but since sunday I started playing 6max cash only 25nl but have made some ok profit in a few k hands so maybe continue on this. -$71.39 in mtts since last update this is really bad half of that is from playing thursday for some reason I decided to play when I was way to hungover to care what I was playing +$34 in sngs +215.51 - cash nl25 Total profit since 1st october = +$702.03 monthlyresultsgraph.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread I'll update this thread tomorrow night or sunday. Played a load of cash on full tilt I think I played something like another 30k hands in 3 days last week. Started going on a downswing still in profit but the profit but the profit from full tilt is only looking like $50 or so :( Should be getting like $180 in rakeback though tomorrow which is sweet. Also was looking round at other sites to play on as I do when I start loosing found parbet got a bonus I need to grind which will motivate me to put the hours in up about 200 euro's on that site in 4 days so that's cool. And just took 3rd in a stars 180 sng for $80ish so it's looking ok since last week. Again will update this threa proper with graphs etc tomorrow or sunday.

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Current update had a really good week in fact I think the profit is a little more since playing on Parbet it says I've made $407 on pokertracker but it has to be more cause I deposited $205 on there withdraw $443 yesterday and still have $215 in there so maybe there should be more to the total? anyway I want add that. Full tilt this week been dreadful was up like $350 over 5k hands at the start then just had so much run bad and the profit is only at single figures now at least rakeback got the profit back up. Pokerstars cash profit is actually all from one table at nl25 I literally sat on the same table for like 7 hours while playing on parbet and at one point was up 9 buyins lol see screenshot below. Mtt wise I played some the last two days playing like my normal self and not using the fold button much and just wanting to re raise everything I donked out of loads and wasted like $50 in buyins this is a huge leak in my game I enter mtts and just find them so boring these days if not in the mood I just want to 3/4 bet everyone in sight. Luckily I took 3rd in a 180 for $80 and also last night played in a $11 100 seats gtd to the sunday million where I won a $215 seat which is sweet! Here's how everything stands at the moment. very good week and nearly there. Also couple of screen shots below that might be interesting to see. Full tilt - nl25 = $81 over 25k hands Pokerstars nl25 = $183.60 - 890 hands Parbet nl25 = $407.70 Pokerstars mtts = $248.87 Rakeback - $143 Total profit since 1st october = +$1766.47 ocgraph.jpg 222hu.jpg

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Re: 2m2k - Woodie thread Target official reached. Played nl25 yesterday on stars and went on a heater up a buyin on every table I sat on or more. Played a $20 deepstack on stars today properly my favorite tournament on that site even though it lasts so long. Better players have such an edge in this tournie with the 30 minute blinds. Entered the heads up with 90k stack chip leader had 250k just destroyed him and ended up shipping the lot. 2ikaxxl.gifmrbs3q.jpg November = $764.85 Total profit since 1st october = +$2531.32 :ok:cow:nana

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