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Akenhead On FIRE!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Akenhead On FIRE!!!!!!!!!

I think one thing is clear - high profile results breed fear, makes life a whole lot easier in the tournaments soon after I imagine. Is Moneymaker very average as he did not to progress after his WSOP win?
Whenever I've seen footage of Moneymaker he's looked pretty bad. I think he'll soon disappear off the poker scene for good although I'll probably eat my words.
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Re: Akenhead On FIRE!!!!!!!!!

Obrestad' date=' Jaunda, [b']Chapman woulda sounded better :D
Na, that Chapman fella likes to hang himself OOP with pocket Q's on a King high flop, never make it into the top 100 places of this tourney him. :lol
Cos I don't like the cnut' date=' simple really![/quote'] Seemed nice enough the few minutes I spoke with him but I guess you can't judge someone based on that, cnut is a bit strong though. He was staying in the same hotel as me, he was outside the lift when I got off standing with a woman and two or three kids, no idea if thats the same woman in the story but quite possibly his wife/gf and kids.
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