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My Poker - $1k Challenge


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I hardly ever play poker these days and the only games I have played recently have been the Team Challenge, betfair challenge and Billy's HU sponsored game. I've played against a few players from here now due to these challenges and wonder if you think its worthwhile me having a more serious go at my poker play? I don't really see myself as a much of a MTT player, but i've always done ok at DoN or HU games. With some focus I seem to have done ok since the betfair challenge started (I was down almost $175 before the challenge started, cant seem to post the chart).

UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
BigWhopper 489$0 $13 1%$28 -59>Betfair
Any thoughts on if I should try a bit harder and give poker a real shot? and if so what should I do?
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Re: My Poker Here ya go mate aldricssgraph.jpg With regards to your question - (I'm biased as I am an MTT player) the best starting point would be Added Value MTTs within your bankroll. There's a few micro buy-in tourneys with added value around (Gnuf Dollar Baby, Victor Chandler MAT are 2 that spring immediately to mind). Read. There's many strategy books out there covering every aspect of every variant of poker. Absorb what you read rather than play 'by the book' - no single book is 100% right, but the more you absorb the more have in your conscious to draw on when you're faced with a decision about how to proceed. Employ proper bankroll management - don't buy in to MTTs for any more than 4% (I'd say) of your bankroll. Keep records of all the tourneys you play. Observe your opponents - look at betting patterns, see how they bet when they have the goods and how they play differently when they're bluffing. Make notes against each player - you never know when you'll be on their table again. Look back over any hands that you're unsure about how you played them, ask yourself if you could have done anything better, and realise the things you done well. Don't be a "bah my Aces got cracked by KJ!" - look at the hand see if there's a point in the hand when you could have done something different (often there isn't, and it's just variance kicking you in the pods) - maybe bet more pre-flop, bet out on the flop instead of trapping etc. Ask questions - use the strategy forum on here. I probably sickened everybody with the times I opened threads in there, but it was a genuine help to me. Also, read past posts in the Strat section, they could well help. Look on other forums' strategy sections too. Finally, for now (I'm sure others will think of things I've neglected), always remember that you never stop learning. Poker isn't something that can be cracked - strategies evolve to counter current 'best practises' and you have to evolve with them. If you stand still you go backwards.

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Re: My Poker I checked Team Scots sharkscope stats before the challenge started to get an idea what sort of bonus boost pts we might be able to achieve and your average buy in has dropped a fair bit so just looking at the latter half of ther graph you seem to be able to beat $5'sh Stt's. Tie up some $$'s somewere and adopt a strict bankroll manangement regime and see how high you can get at these would be the best move IMO. Playing poker to me is all about making money and the bottom line is how long it takes me to make each $. Once you find out how high you can beat take it from there.

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Re: My Poker

I checked Team Scots sharkscope stats before the challenge started to get an idea what sort of bonus boost pts we might be able to achieve and your average buy in has dropped a fair bit so just looking at the latter half of ther graph you seem to be able to beat $5'sh Stt's. Tie up some $$'s somewere and adopt a strict bankroll manangement regime and see how high you can get at these would be the best move IMO. Playing poker to me is all about making money and the bottom line is how long it takes me to make each $. Once you find out how high you can beat take it from there.
Cheers mate :ok My average buy-in has dropped fairly dramatically, but that's because I had a lot more money in my betfair account before and I was doing silly things like playing upto $100 HU, which is crazy given I was obviously playing against much better players. I definately feel a lot more comfortable down at the lower levels, I did have a thread on the challenge forum where I tried the coolers on boss and turned 50 euro's into over 500 in a month. The thing with Boss is that they have a blackjack button and I tend to be drawn to it and fritter all my money away! I am tempted to try to build up a bank roll on stars, possibly starting off on the $1 DoN games and 10 tabling or something to keep it a bit more interesting.
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Re: My Poker

Cheers mate :ok The thing with Boss is that they have a blackjack button and I tend to be drawn to it and fritter all my money away! .
Personal annoyance that one too, I think all other platforms either dont have blackjack/casino's attached or will disable them on request. Thumbs down for Boss on that one. Think you owe it to yourself to find out what your capable of pokerwise although I would imagine the hourley rate at $1 don's is probably on a par with going out to the local park and looking for Barrs Irn bru bottles:wall
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Re: My Poker

Personal annoyance that one too, I think all other platforms either dont have blackjack/casino's attached or will disable them on request. Thumbs down for Boss on that one. Think you owe it to yourself to find out what your capable of pokerwise although I would imagine the hourley rate at $1 don's is probably on a par with going out to the local park and looking for Barrs Irn bru bottles:wall
:lol True, although I would hope that I could do pretty well at the $1 dons' and move up to the mighty $2 fairly quickly! Just my initial thoughts on the matter as I don't have a large amount to deposit anywhere at the moment.
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Re: My Poker Deposit on the site that you feel most comfortable at and also play the games there that you are comfortable with on there. If it be DoN then so be, play those until you can increase your bankroll then move up a level. Poker can be great and also a pain in the arse at times especially when the old variance kicks in (like im getting :wall now ) but just play through it and im sure your confidence will come back. Good luck :ok

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Re: My Poker Cheers mate :) I think I will stick with stars due to the amount of traffic on the site and to be fair i've never really given it a good go. It seems very easy to multitable which is a big, big bonus when playing at these microstakes! Just played 7 of the $1 Don's on stars and cashed in all 7.. I think I could crush this level, lol.

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GameIDDate (UTC+0100)TypeEntryFeePositionProfit
199433596 29-Sep-09 14:41 NL Holdem tournamentflag_T.pngtournamentflag_DN.png$11/10$0.90
199433635 29-Sep-09 14:37 NL Holdem tournamentflag_T.pngtournamentflag_DN.png$11/10$0.90
199433844 29-Sep-09 14:31 NL Holdem tournamentflag_T.pngtournamentflag_DN.png$11/10$0.90
199433601 29-Sep-09 14:31 NL Holdem tournamentflag_T.pngtournamentflag_DN.png$11/10$0.90
199433703 29-Sep-09 14:28 NL Holdem tournamentflag_T.pngtournamentflag_DN.png$11/10$0.90
199397567 29-Sep-09 10:35 NL Holdem tournamentflag_T.pngtournamentflag_DN.png$11/10$0.90
199397818 29-Sep-09 10:32 NL Holdem tournamentflag_T.pngtournamentflag_DN.png$11/10$0.90
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Re: My Poker

Nice start mate :clap I played a $1 DoN yesterday - unfortunately I chose a non-turbo one, and it was 56 minutes before the 10 dropped to 9 :eek. 67 minutes it lasted altogether... for a profit of 85c :loon
:clap far better hourly rate than looking for ginger bottles in Newcastle.
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Re: My Poker

Nice start mate :clap I played a $1 DoN yesterday - unfortunately I chose a non-turbo one, and it was 56 minutes before the 10 dropped to 9 :eek. 67 minutes it lasted altogether... for a profit of 85c :loon
:loon A profit is a profit!!! I've played possibly about 40 more of these trying to play 10 tables at a time. Going to see if I can get $100 profit from them and then move up to the $2 ones! Does anyone use the hotkeys program for stars? any tips for it? Do you use debustifier or whatever its called as well? Is there an easy way to register for games on stars? I'm not sure I could do many more than 10 of these at a time, its gets mental if you start them all at the same time!!
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  • 2 months later...

Re: My Poker I never really gave this a solid go after losing all my 'gambling' money at Betfair I started on pokerstars with my old balance of about $25 I played the $1 DoN's and managed a little profit but I started playing up to 15 tables at a time and it was a bit of a click fest and boring to say the least. I also found that there weren't any $2 DoN so figured it would take me an eternity to get to the BR I needed to play the $5 ones. So I hadn't really played for a month or so until a few days ago when I slowly started to get back in to it. Anyway, im going to play HU's and DoN's to try to increase the BR at Stars, I got it up to about $35 playing the DoN's and a few days ago tried some $5 NLHU games and seem to be doing pretty well at them. So, will continue with them and see where it takes me.. current balance on stars is $48.93. If I drop down to $30 I will have to change stakes. No target just now and I won't be playing that many games per day, just want to try keeping this ticking along :)

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Re: My Poker Had a good run today on some HU $5 games and won a few extra $ on the DoN games. My balance is now up to $102.78. I think I will set a target of $1k... no particular timeframe, just doing what i've been doing. Should I start a challenge thread? Or should this get moved to the challenge section...

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