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OVERS - with a slight tweak

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Im currently running for those of you that follow my threads, an overs system based on odds and home and away form. These systems as JJ on here will prove have been very successful in the past caling up around a 70% strike rate, but has anyone taken in to consideration of the 30% that you lose on this system, how many finished with 2 goals - well looking at data from football-data.co.uk, it would suggest half of those 30% actually had 2 goals scored, then take in to consideration of the 15% remaining you may have checked the home away stats before and not bet on half of them becuase of poor form. taking all this in to consideration, you could back OVERS in the normal way and once 2 goals have been scored, green them up to ensure around 90% of the original profit estimation. This should mean 70% +15% +7.5% = 92.5% possible success rate, its a theory and one that may work, what do you guys think...........

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