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Good added value, but another forum?


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What's the policy about other forums who need more players to fill their value added games? I joined another forum and they are having a tough time to fill some of their private games. :$ Is it allowed to post one or more games on PL of another forum, so they can at least get their min. nr of players? Reason why I am asking is because I can still remember the PL vs Blondes games. So maybe cross-forum games are allowed?

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Re: Good added value, but another forum? You really need to check with the other forum, whether they would mind you posting details on here. If they are happy to have a PL invasion I don't see any reason not to have a thread, as long as they have given permission. Unless of course it's an Eastern European forum, in which case just tell us the password and tourney details and we promise not to tell anyone else. :ok

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