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Betfair Team Challenge - What's your teams boost?


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Re: What's your teams boost?

Starting to look like every other rake race around....more cash u can afford to play ' date=' more points u get[/quote'] Hardly - how many rake races do you know where you can get such a good chance of winning without earning any points? The boost, so far has changed nothing in the ordering, and with most teams on the cap, it probably wont. You should know more than most morl that to get a promo of this size, you need to give something back to the poker room!!
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Re: What's your teams boost?

more cash u can afford to play ' date=' more points u get[/quote'] I've not played any cash games. I was doubtful that I would be able to 'pull my weight' in the team earning points but I've managed nearly 500 points in the 2 weeks so far having only played 66x $5.50+55c DoNs and 7x $5+50c MTTs. (and about $85 up. :ok) Certainly not playing every night, it's easy to play 2 at a time, and they seem to fill within a short time even at this time of night.
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Re: What's your teams boost?

Think my teammate has gone to the darkside. Or fallen in love with his sister. Who knows?
Pretty strange decision to ditch you considering your good start! I think its fair to say you should just stay by yourself mate :ok Or a merger with Team Scot, that would be good!! ;) I don't remember seeing anything about mergers in the rules... lol
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Re: What's your teams boost?

Pretty strange decision to ditch you considering your good start! I think its fair to say you should just stay by yourself mate :ok Or a merger with Team Scot, that would be good!! ;) I don't remember seeing anything about mergers in the rules... lol
Oi, careful or GaF will do a Chelsea to us:eek
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Re: What's your teams boost? For the record, a merger would not be permitted. If mergers were allowed in running, then all the teams struggling would band together to overtake the teams doing well. You may however add extra players to existing teams if you wish (boost will only count from after the date they sign up) - but only so long as they havent been members of other teams.

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Re: What's your teams boost?

Think my teammate has gone to the darkside. Or fallen in love with his sister. Who knows?
To be fair, he does have to be at every final table to vapourize the exiting players with his light sabre, so he's probably quite busy ...
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Re: What's your teams boost?

Starting to look like every other rake race around....more cash u can afford to play ' date=' more points u get[/quote'] We made a team decision not to attempt the team boost, as we calculated (right or wrong) it wouldn't be a deciding factor. - Especially with 2 places paid, and the games not being PL Only I'm pretty sure our boost points will be no more than 300 over both(maybe all)weeks and a good percentage of those will be from the actual tourneys played. Or points gained whilst playing and railing others. (..... Although if the official figures never come through we have of course scored maximum boost points every week;))
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Re: Betfair Team Challenge - What's your teams boost? GAF, am I correct in thinking the boost is as follows 1) pre challenge 3000 points = 15% or % pro rata + 2) week 1 1000 points = 5% or % pro rata + 3) week 2 1000 points = 5% or % pro rata + 4) week 3 1000 points = 5% or % pro rata + 5) week 4 1000 points = 5% or % pro rata so 35% potentially possible, but max allowed is 30% so as team, if we scored 200 points per week during the weeks of the challenge, this would give us a total of 4% is this correct ?

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